1666434 tn?1325262350

What else contains Sulfites?

I have been allergic to Sulfa medications since I was younger but I never ever knew this extended to foods or to drinks for that matter.  I recently discovered that this is in epinephrine which is what is in an epi-pen used to help an allergic reaction.

I had no idea that I even had an allergy or severe reaction to epinephrine until 2 weeks ago when I went to the dentist and was given a novacaine with this in it called Septocaine.  I immediately broke out in a cold sweat, started shaking and felt like I was going to pass out.  The after effects were a swollen throat and swollen face.  It looked like I had a stroke on the side of my face where I was injected.  This normally does not happen to me at all.

When I came home I immediately looked it up online to find out more--- apparently if you have high or low blood pressure or are allergic to sulfites you should not have epinephrine.

Wanted to share this to see if anyone else has a similar experience.
69 Responses
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1666434 tn?1325262350
I had no idea on the tocopherol argh, gotta check everything it seems.  I am trying to go with more whole foods too.   It seems the more simple the food the better it is for us.
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681148 tn?1437661591
Yeah, ever since I read the information on Mercola's website about soy, corn and canola, I've been more and more aware of what that stuff is in.  It's in everything!  Including the stuff that is supposed to be safe for the gluten free diet.  Grr!  There's an added reason to go on a whole foods type of diet.  It helps a lot.  This type of thinking just helps to limit how much label reading is necessary.  It's also helpful, because you end up knowing better what is in your food.  An easy way to think of whole foods is to consider whether or not our ancestors just two or three generations back would even know what that "food" item one is considering or not.

It is so true that soy is included in many supplements.  Fortunately for most people we don't need to supplement vitamin "E".  That one is especially tricky, because tocopherol is one of the ingredients that is almost always just another word for soy.  This is very important to know for anyone who is avoiding soy.  I learned this from another member who has such a severe allergy to soy that it has the potential to kill her.  So, clearly she would be forced to know what she is talking about.
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535822 tn?1443976780
I don't take any supplements now although I am sure I should do, but I seem to get side effects from most ..also they are removing a lot from the shelves here as there are new laws about them being sold , put in place many are hard to find .
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Not only is soy in a lot of foods but it is in a lot of supplements.
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1666434 tn?1325262350
soy literally throws off my menstrual cycles and makes me dizzy.  I used to drink soy milk all the time, then my cycles were delayed for about a few months.  Then I started to read about the phytoestrogens and eliminated it from my diet and everything returned back to normal.  Now soy is in a lot more foods as just a filler, all comes back to labels.
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535822 tn?1443976780
thank you archilles I will... I am not good with soy it upsets my stomach and I see they put it into a lot of foods.
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