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1666434 tn?1325262350

What else contains Sulfites?

I have been allergic to Sulfa medications since I was younger but I never ever knew this extended to foods or to drinks for that matter.  I recently discovered that this is in epinephrine which is what is in an epi-pen used to help an allergic reaction.

I had no idea that I even had an allergy or severe reaction to epinephrine until 2 weeks ago when I went to the dentist and was given a novacaine with this in it called Septocaine.  I immediately broke out in a cold sweat, started shaking and felt like I was going to pass out.  The after effects were a swollen throat and swollen face.  It looked like I had a stroke on the side of my face where I was injected.  This normally does not happen to me at all.

When I came home I immediately looked it up online to find out more--- apparently if you have high or low blood pressure or are allergic to sulfites you should not have epinephrine.

Wanted to share this to see if anyone else has a similar experience.
62 Responses
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1666434 tn?1325262350
"Listening to our own bodies"--- well said FurballsMom, our bodies really do tell us what we need and when we need it.  Our bodies also tell us what we need to stay away from and maybe that's because either we have an intolerance to it or we already have enough of that particular supplement.
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535822 tn?1443976780
I did not know this forum existed ...I have just found out that the sulfites in shampoos have been the cause of my itchy scalp however I spent hours yesterday trying to find out shampoos with out any in, I googled but the ones they say have none do have .including Johnsons baby shampoo which does have it in...Any ideas gals .Thank you for the list above with other things sulfites are in I am begining to wonder if its the cause of my hives ...
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681148 tn?1437661591
I would agree with those last two sentiments entirely.  I rarely eat at someone else's home, but I am fortunate that my one friend I've known most of my life understands well enough to just ask.

But, this wasn't always the case, and there was a time when I got picked on about not liking onions by this friend, too.  

It turned out that I am sensitive to the things.  It probably won't develop into a full-blown allergy with anaphylaxis, because I won't eat them on purpose and only eat whole foods I cook myself.  But, I do know I need to be on the watch, because my poor grandmother was allergic to them.  She got tachycardia from them, and it was a fully diagnosed allergy.  But, she got no sympathy from my mother.  My mother would then get mad that my grandmother had tachycardia every time she went home after visiting our house and eating with us.  She was mad at my grandmother for getting sick and would still say it was all in her head.  My mother had this notion that because my grandmother would get sick from her cooking that meant that she was insulting my mother's cooking.  I got treated the same way for not liking certain types of food, even though I didn't like the same food if someone else made their own recipe.  Basically, her attitude towards other people stinks.

That's an extreme example, but, yeah, there are too many people who think that we're just over-reacting.  When they're like my mother, they're saying that we have no business listening to our own bodies.
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1666434 tn?1325262350
I think if anything it makes it more challenging to eat out and to even eat other people's home cooked food because you have no way of controlling the ingredients or knowing what they all are.
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1666434 tn?1325262350
very true, sometimes sensitivities do have a benefit:)
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681148 tn?1437661591
I think many of us feel the same way.  Oddly enough, those outbreaks keep missing me.  Thankfully, of course.  This seems to be the one thing about food sensitivities that does have a positive.
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