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What is nickel Allergy????

I just want to ask what is nickel allergy...,,,,what are the symptoms of having this kind of allergy...,,
what are the sources of having this allergy

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168348 tn?1379357075
Hi and welcome!

My daughter has a severe nickle allergy and it was so bad they did a patch test in her mouth before going with the regular braces!!!!  

Nickle allergy usually presents itself (outside of the mouth that is) with a crusty allergic dermatitis and will atually look like the item that came in contact with the skin.  As an example -- my daughter got a nasty patch of it where her belt buckle leaned into her belly last week...it got infected, too, from her opening it up with the scratching so be careful with that, too. Cortisone and topical antibiotic cream finally healed it.

Once she fell asleep and there was coin on her bed and she woke up with a circle on her chest.

One way to prevent this is to paint on polyurethane or clear nail polish to the areas which come in contact but it will chip off and only a temporary cure.

The way to see if there is nickle in an item I think I read is with a magnet .. if it picks it up then there's nickle in it. Some forms of sterling silver are a major culprit for my daughter as well as earrings, etc. etc. etc.

In the mouth you can get red, inflammed gums and ulcer like sores.

Keep us posted .. do you have symptoms?


PS  .my daughter is 16 and has had this from birth -- the onesies snaps used to leave circles on her chest!
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    First nickle allergy has 2 forms one is the mild which can just be a minor red rash usually the first place u will notice is at the snap of your jeans or where a belt comes into contact with your skin. the second form is the more severe which my daughter has she gets full blown hives from her nickle allergy. Confirm nickle allergy by going to the dermatologist and having a patch test done. Here is a few facts about nickle allergy.
1 nickle goes threw clothing
2 nickle goes threw rubber gloves
3 water intensifies the reaction (if your skin is wet and u come into contact it makes itching worse
4 nickle  allergy can show up hours after contact ( its a delay type reaction back track to find the contact)
5 most metals contain nickle (impossible to avoid)
6 there is a new drug that is supposed to help with nickle allergy (homeopathic)
7 chocolate contains nickle
8 some vitamins and medications contain nickle its used to add weight
9 hormone levels effect severity of nickle reaction in girls (dont know about guys)
10 the older the metal the less nickle (nickle coating wears off over time)
11 acidic foods leach nickle from pans
12 foods fried in metal pans containing nickle will pick up nickle                                 13 nickle allergy does not go away over time like some allergies. it gets worse
14 yes a magnet will tell if there is nickle in a metal object
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