1656931 tn?1302617825

What is wrong with my lips?

my lips feel chapped....all the time   they peel, swell, and tight...and I have no idea what is causing it.  It's been goin on for a month or more now and my doctor said to continue to use chapstick.  I have to apply it all day long.  I have never had any allergies and this has never happened before.  Is there any suggestions out there?
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168348 tn?1379357075


Not too sure at all ... maybe try some vaseline if not allergic to it and use it at night to see if that helps at all.

If you feel tight and puffy, could be an allergy

I'd see an allergist if it continues and you think it is more eczema related than chapped lips ?

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Hello and hope you are doing well.

The symptoms described by you could also be due a skin disorder called eczema. People who suffer from this disorder should avoid contact with triggering factors like soaps, cosmetics, jewelry, clothing, and detergents. Sometimes sweat, changes in temperature and psychological stress are known to trigger these episodes. So, the best way to prevent attacks is to identify those substances which you are allergic to and avoid them. Consult your  primary care physician for further evaluation.

Hope this helped and do keep us posted.
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681148 tn?1437661591
If this is eczema, it is actually common from what I read for people with eczema to have gluten intolerance.  I do have eczema, but I've gotten so much better by avoiding gluten like the plague.  And, if it is eczema, allergies do aggravate eczema.
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Hello and hope you are doing well.

Eczema could be triggered with other allergens, as gluten sensitivity is more likely to cause gastrointestinal symptoms.  So, Allergy testing would be worth looking into. And treatment is with cortisone based creams, which need to be very potent and of increased strength to heal the lesions. Apply constantly plenty of good moisturizing creams and alternate with steroid creams. Use a humidifier in the rooms to avoid dryness.

Hope this helped and do keep us posted.
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1666434 tn?1325262350
My lips actually chap if I use chapstick too much because my body stops producing the moisture naturally.  Are you wearing any lipstick that might have an impact on this?  I used one that was a lip inflator and it made my lips crack and peel and swell.
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