2088782 tn?1333221786

Which is Right?

So I just left the Allergist. Now I am more confused then ever. First I am told by one doctor that the chronic headaches, sinus infections, pain in my ears,blurry eyes and problems taking a deep breath are due to a milk allergy. So I cut all dairy out of my diet. I go see the allergist who tells me the test says I have an allergy but he says I don't ( he did the skin test). I looked at the blood test results. Milk showed a score of 40 level 1 (mild) and my IGE serum 152.
His recommendation stay on a strict dairy free diet for three or four weeks and see if it works. BTW since I have not had any dairy, no head headache, runny nose, blurry eyes none of the above, even my knees stopped hurting. AM I GOING CRAZY????
3 Responses
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168348 tn?1379357075
I am not a doctor, but if you are better dairy free and it's ok with your doctor to remain that way then this is really good news.  Sometimes the skin tests just are not accurate .. not as accurate as a blood test . .that's my understanding.

Were you on ANY antihistamines of reflux meds 3 days prior to your skin tests?  Those meds can skew the results.

Did the allergist test both caseine (Milk protein) and lactose (milk sugar) ??  

Please keep us posted .... feel better

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2088782 tn?1333221786
I took my reflux medication before I went to the doctor this morning. I feel much better with out the dairy. I know they tested milk and goats milk but I am not sure what exactly they were. I just know there were 26 different pokes but only two food for foods, milk and goats milk. I think your right though I am staying dairy free, I am going to see another allergist at the end of the month and I will see what they say too. Thanks for the input at least I am not crazy.
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168348 tn?1379357075
WOW .... I have read online and our allergist told us NO reflux meds or Antihistamines for 3 days because either of them can cause a false negative.

Keep us posted and I hope your reflux is doing better dairy free, too .. I know for my son that was the cause of his severe reflux undiagnosed for a long time when a baby.

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