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ALWAYS feeling bloated... need help please!!!

it doesn't seem to matter how much i eat, or even what i eat (or drink), it just feels like my gastric emptying rate is extremely slow.

i used to wake up with a flat stomach, now i wake up and feel bloated already, even if i didn't eat anything a few hours before bed the night before.

i am vegan, and i eat plenty of fruits/vegetables (raw & organic), plus i juice a ton of veggies every morning.

i take digestive enzymes with every meal (which also have a little bit of ginger in them)

i take probiotics on an empty stomach every morning.

i get plenty of fiber, and although i have usually 2 good bowel movements per day, i still feel extremely bloated. i even LOOK bloated... my stomach is bulging out. i'm in very good shape, and i exercise constantly and eat healthy foods. i'm very lean everywhere minus my huge stomach (which isn't FAT, it's just distended. my abs are visible)

so i'm totally lost here. now the only thing i can think of is maybe i have food allergies, but at the same time, how can i wake up with my stomach already bloated?
3 Responses
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1805047 tn?1341760506
It sounds like IBS.
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1581788 tn?1340229715
you could have developed an allergy to something you are eating
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Hello and hope you are doing well.

Abdominal bloating can happen with consumption of excess sugars, indigestion and aerophagia. It could also be due to Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS), malabsorption, inflammatory bowel diseases and various infections of the colon. Blood tests will help detect infections, besides stool examination which will reveal fat malabsorption.  Colonoscopy and flexible sigmoidoscopy are procedures which are used to study the whole colon for infections and inflammations. Bacterial overgrowth is tested with a breath test. Please discuss these issues with your primary care physician when you happen to meet him.  

Hope this helped and do keep us posted.
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