11236850 tn?1416445990

alcohol reaction

I have drank alcohol since I was 15 years old, now at 53 ,6 months ago I drank beer , started itching severly, inside my mouth ears etc, took some benadryl, finally got relief, since then one sip has sent me into the itching, whelp, rapid heart beat, throat constricting,tried several filtered beverages, helps a little, have to drink very slow, what is going on , im not a alcoholic,I have even tried taking benadryl prior to 1 beer and man that was a mistake, almost hospitalized, I would like to drink on occasion, as I am from south louisiana and its our culture.help somebody
4 Responses
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363281 tn?1714899967
Oh wow, that is a problem. I do know that our systems and allergies can chance every five years, maybe this is your case. I sure would steer away from drinking if I had those reactions.
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go to your allergist and make a test for histamine intolerance! Thats what I think! If really got it, it is possible to eat and drink histamine rich food. Usually it's forbidden to eat or drink it cause your body starts with an allergic reaction. But you can buy "Daosin", it makes it possible to eat and drink what ever you want. For further information you can google it :)
best wishes
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746512 tn?1388807580
Another possibility is an allergy to what the beer is made out of - grain.  I would  try straight liquor and see if you get the same response.  You may be able to drink just not beer.

Obviously go very slow - small sip at first, wait - no reaction then a bit more.  

Good luck
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11502764 tn?1418800472
I guess it could be a histamine intolerance as well as masterblogger it said. And if it is true and we were right, you should try to get Daosin. It helps you to check up your histamine level within your body and stops the allergic reaction!
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