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allergic reaction to pineapple? my roof of my mouth is in pain!

OK so the other day, i had trail mix and it contained dried pineapple. ME, knowing pretty well that pineapple causes me to get canker sores in my mouth, had some without really thinking about it cause I thought dried pineapple was better than normal? i dont know.. anyways, ever since then, I have been feeling this cut it feels like on the roof of my mouth. It hurts when I eat anything, and when I drink anything. I have been drinking hot tea lately cause my throat hurts really bad, but the hot tea BURNS the sore on the roof of my mouth so much that it does nothing for my throat. could this cut be from an allergic reaction to the pineapple? cause i have been avoiding them since the last time I had it, i got canker sores on my gums. What can i do to make it heal? ive tried oragel for the pain, which helps a little bit. would salt water help? i dunno.
3 Responses
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1551963 tn?1302292732
warm salt water will help it heal but if it is alergic rection then maybe you need some benadryl.
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1551963 tn?1302292732
gargle the salt water. dont drink it, in case you didn't know that already.
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168348 tn?1379357075
Me too!

If I drink a refreshment drink made with "fruit" I can tell you within mins if it contained pineapple!!!!

I get this reaction from walnuts, too .. so I treat both with respect and avoid them.

Ask your Dr about taking some Benadryl and/or using Benadryl mixed with Mylanta to gargle with as a swish to help reduce the inflammation.

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