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6050747 tn?1378954343

Headaches and Allergies

Hello All,
My son (11 yrs) often deals with headaches. He has been for last two years. Dr says he has migraines and to use iburpofin to treat it. At times, it does interfere with his school and sports. Curious if anyone has any thoughts/ideas on what kinds of foods could be causing or adding to his headaches? I know caffeine is one.
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I'm histamine intolerant and my primary symptom was having headache. Go to for a allergy test about it and if he really has it, ask him to if it would be possible to take Daosin. Well he can eat/drink everything without having problems :)

take care
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4851940 tn?1515694593
The foods that are common to trigger off migraines are:

caffeine drinks, oranges, chocolate, cheese, red wine.  

Your son may have other food triggers so it would be a good idea to keep a diary of everything that passes his lips and to see if a pattern emerges to help you identify a food trigger.

When my son was the same age as yours he used to be extremely ill with migraines that also caused him to vomit.  I found that there was a pattern to this and it happened every Wednesday evening that he was too ill to go to school on the Thursday.   He was referred to the hospital to check his brain, which came back normal.  

I tried to figure out if there was a psychological problem that was causing this.  It transpired that on Thursdays he had to play rugby and that fear was making him very ill.  Once I wrote a letter to the school to excuse him from rugby, he was much better.  

It would be worth having a quite chat with your son to find out if there is any stressful situations that may be the cause of his migraines.

Stress and anxiety, not getting enough sleep, glaring at a computer screen for too long can also contribute to migraine problems.

Hope you find the cause of the problem so that it can be tackled and your son be migraine free.

Best wishes.
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Hi, my 8 year old suffered from headaches / migraines for years and now i have found out that he has a dairy intolerance ( mainly chesse and chocolate) and a preservative intolerance. if that helps?
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6205937 tn?1380598994
I have heard that chesse can cause migraines .
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Hello there,

MSG or monosodium glutamate is used as a flavour inhancer in a variety
of foods. Some soups contain MSG as well as Chinese food unless
you ask for no MSG. I myself am quite sensitive to MSG and I've been
known to get headaches from consuming a product with MSG in it..
Does your son eat any products with MSG in it ? You could check the
labels on any food your son eats that may contain MSG. Just an idea.
The only problem with ibuprofen, like advil, for example is not good
for your liver.  There are products you can buy from a health food store
that helps with headaches that are not ibuprofen. I guess it depends on
the severity of the headache. Hope this helps. Eve
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