188508 tn?1210548106

almond allergy

Hi, I was recently told that I have an almond allergy. Does anyone have this. I do feel that I have a restiction in my throat & have a little trouble taking deep breaths. Any input would be appreciated. Thank you.
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188508 tn?1210548106
No I cut out almonds when I found out about the allergie. Its been only 1 week & a half.
I eat about 10 almonds at a time, 20 per day. I don't have any other nut allergies, only almonds, bannanas & pineapples. I spoke to my doctor & he said I don' need one. I hope my symptoms will get better with time.
Thanks for your replies
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389974 tn?1331015242
How many almonds do you eat at a time?

Also, since almonds are a pretty common tree nut do you have allergies to others, such as walnuts?

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So am I right in assuming that you are continuing to eat the almonds, regardless of your allergy?
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188508 tn?1210548106
They didn't give me an epi-pen. My symptoms are always there. I been eating almonds every day for over 10 years.
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I personally do not have an allergy to almonds.

The reaction you get is definitely one for concern. Were you given an epi-pen?

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