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anyone got gmo suscipion?

its weird. back a couple month, i didn't have any food allergic. then it hit me and i was confused at first what it could be. first i suspected plastic leaching from my coffee brewer, so i adapted to metal strainer brewing method.  

but plastic and hot liquid been reported even in news ,not just like independent doctors here and there,so i 'm glad i abandoned plastic brewer anyways.

then my health problems escalated to pretty serious depression and confusion and the family physicans i visited were impotent to do a damn thing.

but when i avoid/reduce gmo intake like hfcs and apply omega 3 supplement, i felt a big change, not as good as before the food allergy business started.

actually i think my omega supplement may have some gmo in it, i just stopped it, gonna try find on gmo supplement instead.

after digging into the science of gmo allergy, it all makes sense. you put artifical gmo into you system which is not recognized, don't be surprised to get immune response in form of inflammation.

anyone else got a sudden food allergy activity?

5 Responses
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Hello and hope you are doing well.

Understand your predicament. As the food industry is shifting more towards artificial and enhanced  products, there has been an increase in the incidence of allergies. In the last twenty years, there has been an epidemic increase in allergies, asthma, auto-immune disorders, ADHD, and autism, Today, it is estimated that 20% of American children have allergies.

So, reverting back to natural, organic, fresh and nutritionally food should help resolve the allergic reactions. Also, if a person is healthy and eating a normal balanced diet, he does not need any further supplements.

It is possible to develop allergic reaction to substances, to which we did not exhibit a reaction before. We can develop allergies to different things throughout our lifetimes as the allergy develops in response to a repeated stimulus.  If you haven't undergone formal allergy testing, that might be beneficial.  Under a doctor's supervision, foods that have caused allergies in the past can sometimes be added slowly back into the diet.

Hope this helped and do keep us posted.
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well you still can't rule out gmo interference that cause allergy in the first place.
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757137 tn?1347196453
"Also, if a person is healthy and eating a normal balanced diet, he does not need any further supplements."

I am sorry to disagree with you. Our soils are deficient, especially in minerals.  Our vegetables are grown on this soil and our animals feed on it. So everything we eat is deficient in nutrients. Supplements are the only way to fill the void, if in fact we can. My family buys organic foods, does not knowingly buy any gmo's and takes supplements. We also only allow the most important vaccinations, and not in very early childhood. No autism, no ADHD, no "special needs," etc.  
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757137 tn?1347196453
I just checked your profile and realize you are in India. It is possible that in India you are not subjected to the unhealthful chemicalized foods that abound in the U.S. I lived and worked in the Middle East for almost two decades, ate everything in sight and was healthy as a horse. I did not take supplements, and did not give supplements to my children or my husband. I also spent time in India -- again,  no supplements necessary.
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757137 tn?1347196453
I think we have to distinguish between allergy and food intolerance. I have had two ailments that have been escalating for two decades. One appears to be IBS and the other is a profound fatigue that at times leaves me unable to walk or stand.

I have since discovered that these disparate ailments have a common cause. It would appear to be wheat, and probably GMO wheat. The IBS disappeared with my discontinuing all wheat products, and the fatigue has not hit its frequent lows. I am going to have a blood test for food intolerances. Interestingly enough, these ailments only became apparent after my return to the States after more than two decades working in mostly third-world countries. Those countries, by the way, did not have the allergy and intolerance problems that we have. They are probably not rich enough to buy the poison chemicals that suffuse our lives.
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