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headaches after having a beer

I am in my fifties and usually drink wine, not beer but recently( in the past year) have begun to have 1-2 beers at the end of a day or while with friends.  I also need to tell you in the past year I had developed extreme headaches and after going to a neurologist, never found out why but did get daily medication which keeps the headaches under control.  I suspected the meds were causing blurred vision so weaned myself off the meds.  Things went fine for a while, but the headaches returned so I have returned to the daily meds very recently. Recently I have noticed that after drinking 3/4 of a beer, a mild headache would begin.  This past weekend the usual mild headache turned into a 3 day extreme headache and the day afterwards I felt weak and miserable. I will be staying away from all beer from now on in hopes that this will stop the pain in the future.  Do you think beer or the ingredients in beer found in other foods could be causing these awful headaches?  This is effecting my everyday life and I'd like to find out the cause.  
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  I don't drink alcohol at all, but I know that one of the first reactions you can have is a headache from brain dehydration. Try drinking a glass of water or two, before the beer and see if it makes any difference. Us older types start to become deficient in enzymes after 40, including Taurine, which, among other benefits, helps protect the brain from dehydration. A trial of Taurine supplementation might help.

Yeast can effect the brain by causing headaches too. So it could be something in the way the beer was manufactured.

Good luck!
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Which meds are you taking?
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my best suggestion is to stop drimking beer.But if you you cnt stop then just buy some headache meds everytime you get ready to drink beer.
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