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My partner was experiencing abdo pain over a period of 4 yrs we think we have managed to get to the root of the problem and it seems he has a dairy intolorance, he has been tested for lactose intolorance and he doesnt have that so it must be something else in dairy. over the past 4 yrs he has lost a considerable ammount of weight and the doctors have said he is under weight for his height so was wondering how he could gain weight being on a dairy free diet, i have been looking on the net all morning to no avail please help if you can.
many thanks
2 Responses
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You could start by maintaining a food diary to exactly know what type of foods precipitate his symptoms. If dairy products have been causing his symptoms, then he could try and balance his diet with other carbohydrate, protein and fat rich food. His should include plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables in his diet. He could consult a nutritionist for a detailed food schedule. Warm regards.
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363281 tn?1714899967
I would see a Naturopath if there are any in your area, he/she will be able to give you ideas on what to do and they have a lot of resouces as well.
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