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how long can I take claritin for symptoms?

I recently had a straseries of events that led me to believeI have some type of allergy . It started with severe anal itching,which I thought was from hemmorhoids, but the only thing that relieved it was benadryl. I got some hydrocortisone foam from the doctor and it finally cleared up. Shortly after this I began itching all over. At first I didn't think it was an allergy, I had begun using a colon cleansing product from a health food store, so I thought I was sensitive to something in it.  When it didn't improve after I discontinued the supplements ( and I was going crazy from the itch ) I tried a 24 hour allergy medicine . It began to help immediately .  After a several days I forgot to take it one day and decided to see what happened if I continued to stay off it . The itching came back slowly ( you know, you're not sure if you're just being paranoid ) . I decided to start them back and THAT's when it hit me: my stomach / whole digestive system had felt better than ever when I was taking them and immediately got worse when I stopped . I have been suffering for years with pain,bloating, diarrhea, constipation and tried everything, had tests for everything else , but never thought I had a true allergy. I have read here that they can get worse over time so I wonder if that's what's happening. I plan to see my Dr in April  and see what tests he can do and who he recommends me to see next. In the meantime, I wondered if it is safe for me to take generic Claritin until then?
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Great!  Keep your doctor's apointment that will help you sort things out.

Antihistamines are one of the safest medicaitons you can take.  I have been taking Zyrtec at my doctor's dosage for over 3 years.  Claritin will certainly be safe for you to take until you see your doctor.

Take care and feel better.
I hope you get some answers soon.
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Thanks! I appreciate you answering . I DO feel better !
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168348 tn?1379357075

What did your doc say?

WELCOME .. you've gotten great info above!

Clariten works well .. but not the greatest for food allergies for my kids; but if it's working for you go for it LOL!  Also, long-term usually is ok if ok by your doc!

How are you doing now?

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