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milk allergy IGE or IGG

I had the Immunocap blood test for allergies and it showed "CASEIN/COW MIILK (F78) IGG  . Elevated level of 12 H When reference range is LESS THAN 2.0 mcg/mL." I did not see anything else tested foe IGG. I keep seeing where it is not recommended to test for IGG. I had my test done by a allergist at my ENT. I was told by my GI dr I was Lactose Intolerant but when I would eat Lactose free it still made me sick. The lactaid pills did not work either. My ENT told me I had a Milk Allergy and avoid all dairy. Since then all nasal and GI issues have gone away. Also have funny feeling about  30 minutes after having dairy turn pale and hands go numb feel dizzy. I did not think IGG was a true allergy so do I have to give up everything. Confused.
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1330108 tn?1333677304
Allergists always say that reaction trumps all blood testing as it is not completely accurate. My dd is allergic to peanut but non reactive so she can eat it but my mom tests negative for soy but it causes her major issues so she is allergic. That is why allergists use both skin and blood testing along with history of past reactions to diagnose allergies.
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Nobody can make you give up anything, the decision is yours, just use the knowledge you were given wisely. My son tested allergic to dairy, soy, wheat,  peanuts and pork. He was eating peanut butter crackers that morning, we didnt see anything alarming, but hes only 2 so we cut everything they said out of his diet, a week later he somehow found a reeses peanut butter cup and ate it through the wrapper, and we were very fortunate he didnt ingest it, because the little bit he did he threw up and his airways started to close from that little bit. Reactions and severity can be unpredictable, and im making decisions for a two year old, so I dont take chances. You know when you dont feel right, so taking a chance isnt as scary for you, if it were me, I honestly wouldnt cut it out if it didnt bother me.
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