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no appetite of food

Everyday i like fresh cook im always thrown up when i smell different. this is my first baby.
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Hi there, your symptoms could be due to Morning sickness. It can be one of the first signs of pregnancy and is often experienced as nausea and vomiting.  This is due to the hormonal changes in pregnancy.  To overcome this take plenty of fluids and rest well. If this is severe then it is referred to as hyperemesis gravid arum. It is a condition characterized by severe nausea, vomiting, weight loss, and sometimes electrolyte disturbance. So, if your symptoms are worsening or if you develop new symptoms, consult your doctor to rule out hyperemesis gravid arum. Regards.

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4851940 tn?1515694593
Do not worry or get upset that you cannot eat the foods that you liked before you got pregnant.

It is very common to suddenly become very nauseated and feel quite ill to the smell, look and taste of food when pregnant.

I used to love green beans, but with one of my pregnancies, could not stand the smell of them let alone eat them.  With another pregnancy, I was put off by the smell and taste of pork.

You may notice that you will start to get weird tastes, like ice-cream with gherkins.  That is not uncommon too to suddenly have a fancy for a strange combination of foods.

If you feel nauseated in the morning when you wake up, try a piece of dried toast, or get some arrowroot biscuits.

Don't eat anything that makes you feel ill, or if you feel ill by the smell of certain foods, don't eat them.

Enjoy the pregnancy.

Best wishes.
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168348 tn?1379357075
For some reason I took a disliking to tunafish salad when pregnant and 15yrs later I still don't care for it!  But the oddity is that tunafish used to be a favorite of mine!  It was the odor when pregnant that bothered me and has stayed with me still all these years later!!!!

Hoping you feel better soon,

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