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relationship of mangos&pineapple Allergies

I know that I am allergic to mangos. I am wondering is there a similar anything in fresh Pineapple? I have eaten some for the last couple of days and today just figured out the possibility of allergy. I experienced the same insane all over body itching as I do with Mangos.
2 Responses
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168348 tn?1379357075


I found this online about the possible cross reaction b/tween the two fruits:


I'd stay away with a reaction like that which sounds like more systemic vs. oral

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363281 tn?1714899967
I do not know if they are related, they are both tropical fruits and lots of folks use them together in making fruit salads as the taste is similar. To be on the safe side, I think I would avoid them and then I would call the local hospital and talk to their nutritionist, maybe then can give you some more insight.
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