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it seems every tme i eat strawberries a few hours later i get a stomach ache followed by diarrhea this last also a few hours the last episode last night only had 3 strawberrys is this a allergic reaction to them thanks
8 Responses
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1527510 tn?1392301344
I think it's some kind of reaction yes. Probably best to avoid them now if this is what happens every time you eat them.
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Hello and hope you are doing well.

It could indicate a food allergy. As repeated episodes have occurred with consumption of the same food. It may help to maintain a food dairy and keep monitoring your symptoms. This will help to narrow the search and avoid them. Further allergic testing may be worth looking into. Here an allergy specialist may confirm the allergic reaction and can further help to desensitize you.

Hope this helped and do keep us posted.
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1666434 tn?1325262350
I just wanted to share this as I saw the topic being strawberries and allergic reactions, my husband loved strawberries as a child and ate them all the time at large quantities.  When he got older his throat would start to swell, his face would turn red and his eyes began to water.  He couldn't eat strawberries anymore.

It wasn't until after he quit smoking that he was able to eat them again.  So it is interesting how sometimes other things that we consume or subject our bodies too might cause an adverse reaction with something else.
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719662 tn?1456422797
I too, like Seattlemom2plus' husband, used to enjoy a LOT of strawberries. Then one day my face would swell right up after eating them. I was tested and confirmed a strawberry allergy. I never smoked, still don't. I still have the allergy (among others now too).
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thanks for all your comments
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168348 tn?1379357075
WOW .. interesting and most people don't think twice about eating strawberries as a possible allergen!

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681148 tn?1437661591
Yeah, a lot of people don't realize just how common of an allergy the strawberry is.  I can't eat them either.  I don't get a super serious reaction, but the reaction is enough that I know not to mess with them, especially since my old man is allergic and even gets hives on occasion.  I get a sore irritated throat, which is definitely sensitive enough to be paying attention to.  I used to eat a lot of the strawberries which my parents grew themselves.  So, I know they were grown organically.  Not because my parents believed in organic over conventional, but because they wanted to save money on their gardening.  Still, in spite of their beliefs, the strawberries were organic.  Now, I can't eat strawberries any more.  Not even the best organic ones.
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Strawberry induced rash (like hives) is urticaria and can be eliminated (so that you can eventually eat strawberries without problem) by taking high dose B12 vitamin (100 micrograms i think it was, small pink tablet) also take multi B vitamin to avoid B imbalance. Doctors don't seem to know about this.
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