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yeast infections

I've been having a lot of trouble with my diets over the last few years. I started getting odd urinary tract infections a year or so back which seemed to puzzle my doctors,they had no explanation for it,the urinary infections were triggered once I consumed too much sugar and my urine would smell bad. the doctors i've seen haven't been much help for me in diagnosing any of my allergy problems,i'm guessing this is very difficult to test for .so recently I have considered that it could be the effect of a prolonged yeast overgrowth infection problem ,it could be that this infection is becoming worse. I have known for a while that I have some form of allergy to foods but I don't know 100% what it is, my parents said I used to vomit after having milk as a baby and I have gone easy on lactose or any product that contains it as a result. I was tested for gluten intolerance as a child but the tests came back negative, I seem to get negative reactions to all different sorts of foods and drink which led me think that perhaps they foods weren't contaminated with lactose but actually it was another type of allergy or reaction entirely. I considered fructose intolerance as fruit concentrate, orange and apple sometimes doesn't agree with me and went on a fructose free diet but this didn't really yield any real results. so now i've moved onto trying a yeast free diet.
this has been troublesome , lots of websites seem to post contradictory information to other sites,I don't really know which ones to trust,there's so much disinformation out there. some sites say that avoid fruits while other say they are fine. some say eat potatoes ,other say avoid them. this has left me with a very limited palette. one of the main problems i've been having is finding milk and trying to sort out a regular breakfast cereal that works. at the moment i'm making my own muesli from plain oats , brazils, hazelnuts,walnuts,cashews,almonds,pecans ,sunflour ,pumpkin and sesame seeds. for milk I was making my own soya milk using a soya milk maker but the equipment I was using has unfortunately broken recently which means i've had to look at other alternatives .I tried unsweetened alpro soya today but I think it has given me a reaction as i was getting a lot of excess gas after eating it. can anyone here who knows a lot about yeast infections help me out and give me an honest list of foods to consume and ones to avoid. please experts only as I have made a few mistakes already by reading and taking the advice of charlatans.
sorry if this comes across as slightly rude but the diet has becoming quite depressing and I have ended up going without food on occasions and being very hungry at times due to being fed up with being ill when eating something that doesnt agree with my digestive system.
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Read my comment to EmmaRose13
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568322 tn?1370165440
Recurrent urinary tract infections should have alerted your doctors to the possibility of havng diabetes (it's a common symptom of diabetes), especially since they happened after having too much sugar.

Recurrent yeast infections (skin, vaginal, urinary) are also common in diabetics.  

I would get tested for diabetes.  Because you may be taking care of the symptoms rather than the problem.

Regarding the sugar issue....yeast thrives with moisture and with sugar.  To avoid high spikes in your blood sugar, eat fruit high in fiber and have some protein with it.  Never eat fruit by itself.  Avoid juice and dehydrated fruit (too much sugar).

Last but not least, consider using probiotics.

Best of luck to you!

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I will look into it, I am also getting some odd circulation problems. I went to my doctor about this after it was quite severe. http://www.medhelp.org/posts/General-Health/sudden-blotchy-redness-on-face-pins-and-needles/show/1319803?personal_page_id=439473#post_6040838

he gave me a basic checkup (bp and some other basic assessments) and said I was in good health.
the feeling has decreased from my legs now but I still get an odd feeling now in my arms,sometimes the muscles are tender and when I become stressed it feels like there is pressure type feeling within my arms, like within the veins.
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