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asthma and allergy

Hello my mother have ca breast in remission on femara 2.5mg now almost taken it for 5 years  , asthmatic  and allergic rhinitis recently she complain of sudden paroxysmal attack of vertigo ***-cited with dizziness and headache with blurred voisson only when she moves her head back   the attack persists for 2 min only.  we went to ent dr ( pns ct )result nasal polyp in left maxillary sinus grape size and thick left nasal wall the dr put her on tri b im injection and nasonex  twice daily but now 3 Weeks on the treatment no improve please i need consult ion    
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what is the diference? How do i know if its asthma or just an allergy?
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Hello and hope you are doing well.

Understand your predicament.
Inflammation in the nose and sinuses can cause inflammation around the Eustachian tube, which is the tube that runs from the back of the nose to the middle ear and is responsible for draining the middle ear of fluid.  If there is Eustachian tube dysfunction from nose or sinus inflammation, fluid can remain in the middle ear which can lead to dizziness. So, therapy for this lies in treating the underlying sinusitis. If it is a chronic sinus infection, 4-6 weeks of antibiotics are pretty standard in addition to nasal steroid sprays, oral steroids, and salt water irrigations of the sinuses.  If this fails to solve the problem, sinus surgery is usually recommended.

Hope this helped and do keep us posted.
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