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Acheing, is this allergy?

I suffer with quite bad allergies and have been tested some time ago and have a dust mite allergy amongst other things.  It got worse in May and had only started improving in the last week or so.  On Friday I was drinking a sweet white wine and my neck- right under my jaw joint started to ache.  It keeps acheing and has done this in recent months on and off.  It feels as though my throat is inflamed in some way and its now acheing on both sides, although it doesn't hurt to swallow, it feels like its coming from directly under my jaw joint, but I can't feel a swollen gland, although it is in the direction of my glands.  I have already been checked for TMJ and its not that.  I suffer allergies and have noticed perfumes, air freshners often set it off lately.  My friend I was with was wearing a perfume and my nose began running, so Im not sure if its the wine or that, but I was doing better before Friday.

Could this be allergy related?  Im on steroid nose drops and antihistimes and have already seen an ENT. Im awaiting a gastrocopy to see if theres any reflux problem.  I just don't know what is causing this acheing feeling in my throat.  Please if anyone has any idea. Thanks
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Have the steroid nasal drops and antihistamine medications helped with your symptoms?

Do you have any reflux or heart burn symptoms?

What symptoms of allergies in the past did you have?

Has a CT scan of the sinuses to rule out sinusitis and an allergy testing been done?

Keep us posted.

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Hi thanks for your post.  The antihistimes have helped a bit, but they don't seemto be strong enough to control it all the time.
I have LPR symptoms (no heartburn) but a feeling of mucus coming into my throat, pain, soreness etc and it does feel kinda burnt.  I have read up on LPR and wonder if It could be that.
I had allergy testing which confirmed dustmites,pollen.cats. dogs etc.
I had a CT done a long time ago which was clear, but that was years ago,  my ENT diagnosed chronic sinusitus due to secondary allergy, but the treatment hasn't shifted the throat problem and I do get stomach upsets/bloating etc too so am wondering if it could be LPR.  If anyone has any idea I would so grateful as this is ruining my life.  Thanks so much
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You could take OTC oral antinausea antireflux medications like rabeprazole, esmoprazole in combination with domperidone for a fewdays and see if it helps with your symptoms.

You could also sleep with your head end elevated.

These symptoms could in fact be due to the gastroesophageal reflux.

Continue with oral antihistamine medications, saline nasal drops and steam inhalation.

Let us know about how you are doing nad if you have any other doubts.

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Thank you very much for your post.  I have been on omeprazole, which helped a bit to start with and then tapered off.  I asked my doctor for Nexium (Esomeprazole) as I had read online that its much better for it and on my 4th day of this and only starting to get a little benefit.  I have also made sure my bed is elevated.  As I am an allergy sufferer and get alot of sinus infections it has been hard to pinpoint the problem, and I didn't mention to start with my stomach troubles as I though they weren't relevant, so tahat obviously didn't help the doctor diagnose.  My allergy symptoms got worse in May last year and the throat problem started before that, but I noticed it would get worse the more stressed I was etc and my stomach would play up, so am wondering if its reflux due to stress. I have been on fluoxatine for the past few months as these symptoms have affected my quality of life so much it has got my down at times, but whilst thats helped me feel better moodwise, the throat problem continues regardless.   I have had these symptoms now for 8mths. Its so frustrating.  I seem to be just constantly experiementing with ompeprazole etc to try and control it, but until I have the gastroscopy I won't know exactly whats going on. My feeling is its  reflux of the larynx (LPR) but I just wish I knew what could be done to sort it.  Am  I just going tosuffer forever.

My allergy symptoms continue, the saline etc helps but I still get frequent flare ups over the slightest thing, a friends perfume, air freshner etc.  I sleep in dustmite proof bedding, stay clear of dust, pollen etc but still I suffer. Im on a dairy free, wheat free etc diet to try and help and have been tested for celeriac and negative. All these problems started May last year and got graduall worse, before that I had mild allergy but nothing a pill wouldn't sure.  Ive been tested for Candida and was positive (been on lots of antibiotics etc/thrush) but my doctor poo poo'd the idea of this as he doesn't believe in it.

I wish  I had an answer as to why a 25 healthy women who kept fit and ate good food, could suddenly get this way and why it won't just go.  8mths and still Im up and down week to week with my symptoms, sometimes have a good week, then a flare up again.  Im beginning to think I can't seem to do anything without it flaring up.  

Thank you for your post, any sugguestions very grateful

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I think you should continue with the medications for some time more and se if you get some relief in your symptoms.

Let us know if you have any doubts and also post us on how you are doing.

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Thanks very much for taking the time to respond. I appreciate it. I hope I will get some relief
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Glad to know that the posts were of some help.

Hopefully you should get symptomatic relief soon.

Let us know about how you are doing and if you have any other doubts.


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Get your doctor to prescribe an anti-fungal to kill the candida.  You already know its a problem since you tested positive, it can be and is most likely the cause of your problems
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I have taken anti-fungals and am on a anti candidia diet, but my throat problem remains the same and its does seem like its reflux trouble as my tummy plays up at the same time.  Im awaiting a gastroscopy at the moment to hopefully confirm next week.  It does seem to be linked to my stomach and seems very like LPR reflux. Ill post after I get the results, hope I find a resolution to these problems!  Hope you are also getting some relief.  Thank you all
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You could also talk to your doctor if your symptoms are still persistent about adding itopride for your symptoms.

Let us know about how you are doing and if you have any other doubts.

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