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Allergic reaction

I also had a reaction to my bra. I paid $40.00 for the Victoria Secret bra sometime last year. I didn't know what was going on. Every time i put it on, it would become very irratating. I wore it to work one night. I was scratching and pulling at it all night. When I got home  I pulled it off. I had red blotches across my back and sides. I even showed my husband. I wasn't sure what was going on so I threw the bra away. I haven't had a problem since. I think it was a very sexy brand. I didn't think anything of it until I saw the broadcast on the news. Well at least I know what was causing the problem.
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I am relieved to find out that there is information available about Victoria's Secret bras giving a rash. I have bought and exchanged 8 bras from Victoria's Secret, and only one, that is the simplest and uses a different fabric and has no support cups, doesn't give me a rash. I just bought 4 more bras from 2 from Wonder Bra and 2 from another maker, and it looks like the Wonder Bra (Made in China) is giving me a rash as well. It is very similar in make to the Victoria's Secret bras that have been causing my itchy, red, triangle (clearly around my breasts were the seems sit) shaped rash. I also have had outbreaks on my back where the strap sits on my skin.

I stopped wearing the bras and after 4 to 5 weeks the rash cleared up. However, this was after 4 to 5 months of experimenting with different dermatologist recommend creams to clear it up, washing the bras multiple times (by hand in Woolite or in the machine with detergent that I wash all of my clothes in).

Clearly there is a manufacturer that Victoria's Secret and perhaps Wonder Bra uses in China that uses a chemical that irritates one's skin.

More news reports need to be released about this so we can help each other understand why this has been happening in order to influence these companies to stop cutting corners and make appropriate adjustments to their manufacturing practices.
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I've had a very itchy rash for 3 months now and am 8 months pregnant. Finally gave in and used some cortizone and benedryl creams. Some relief, but no cure at all.

I have an appt with an allergist tomorrow. Almost certain I have figured out it is to elastics. I checked 2 of my bras, both have spandex, not latex. So at least maybe they can concentrate on which types of elastics are the problem. Maybe just spandex, maybe all of them.  I finally realized the major flare ups are where my bra meets the strap at my shoulder area, under my breasts, around my middle (stetchy maternity clothes and any stretchy waistbands), where my pregnant belly meets the pubic area (what a coincidence, right where my low rise maternity undies lay!), on my behind where the undies cross, on the sides and front of my legs - we have a waterproof protector on the mattress. Being pregnant I only lay on my sides or sort over on my front as much as I can anyway. Also around my ankles... I don't wear socks a lot, but I'm sure I've worn them several times in 3 months anyway. lol Not sure what took me so long to figure this out, but after seeing my OB, my family doctor, and 2 dermotogists... I think I figured it out.   The only think is I started to get it on my face as well so I'm not sure about that one.  We'll see when I meet the immunogist/allergist tomorrow I hope.
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LOOK AND SEE IF THESE HAVE SPANDEX OR SPANDEX LYCRA!   The thread itself is probably what you are reacting to.

I bought a new pair of Socks at walgreens and in 20 minutes my legs were swollen like a balloon.  This OFF brand, $6 for Men's crew and NEVER thought that SPANDEX is what i would react to.   I do have a latex allergy, but WOW what a surprise!!

Two weeks now, and i had the socks on for 10 minutes only!  Two bouts of Cortisone (i feel like i put on 20 lbs-) and cortisone creme-- WHAT CAN BE DONE FOR THIS!!
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I just saw the story about Victoria's Secret bras.  These are the only bras I wear because of support issues.  I too started having severe rashes and have seen my doctor about it.  She has given me a powder for yeast infection under my bust, but it doesn't seem to help.  I have been washing my bras after even wearing them for just an hour or two.  It seemed to help for a while, but now I am rashy again.  I will call the company in the morning to get compensation.  I have about 15 bras now because I wash them so often.... yes I have spent a small fortune on them.  Now I know what the problem is.... guess I need to find a new bra.... wish me luck!
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10947 tn?1281404252
Dear Friends,

First and foremost, thank you to all the MedHelp members who participated in the CBS-TV news story about allergic reactions to certain Victoria's Secret bras!  

For those who missed the story, here is a link to their website.  Once there, click on "WATCH IT HERE:  BAD BRAS: A Consumer Alert"


If you are having an allergic reaction to Victoria's Secret Bras, please call the company at: 800-945-5088.

To find other MedHelp members who have posted messages about allergic reactions to the bras, type VICTORIAS SECRET ALLERGIC in the search box at the top right side of this page.


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I just had a similar reaction from two different brands of thigh high stockings. When I took the stockings off I had a red welt where the top rubber/plastic band touched my leg. The itching was so horrible I would end up with more welts from my scratching. As the red welts disappeared over the course of a week, I was still bothered by small water blisters that would pop up and itch, scab over, itch some more causing me to scratch them open...And so went the cycle. My mother and I don't wear pantyhose because the waistbands are so tight we end up with abdominal cramping and a back ache. So now it seems I won't be able to wear skirts or dresses unless it's summer and I can go without stockings. I'm fed up with the **** that is ending up in our stores.
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