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Allergic to Blood Pressure Meds

I've been going thru quite a time - turning up allergic to 5 BP meds as of today... scared to take next one prescribed!! I've been to an Allergist this past week for skin testing... but, does anyone else suffer from BP med allergies? I get itchy all over, cheeks swell, face puffs a bit and face and neck turns bright red...Help!
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I to have same reactions. I could scratch my skin off. Im on my 3rd med in past month. I only start w/one half tab with 2 benyridls. This Metoprolol is worse then other 2, lips, throat, etc swell, hot sweats, per all the post im not alone w/BP med allergies. I think its time my Dr. Treats the cause not the symptom. Im 73 yr,  118 lbs.. going to try and find herbs that might work. From GramsG
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did you find any herbs.....my doctor gave me losartan and i am allergic to sulfa.  it also sets off my asthma and makes it worse than it ever was.  i have been allergic to every bp drug ever made. i have asthma and a sulfur allergy so nothing works.  i also have high histamine levels and that is a problem.  makes me react even worse.  
did you find any herbs.....my doctor gave me losartan and i am allergic to sulfa.  it also sets off my asthma and makes it worse than it ever was.  i have been allergic to every bp drug ever made.
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Thank you for your original post.  All of the comments have helped me.  I'm on my 3rd BP meds.  My reactions haven't been severe, but they have been annoying.  I had a cough for 6 months on Losartan.  I found out that it is a sulfa drug and I've had a reaction to sulfa in the past.  I'm on Amlodine now and have had a severe sore throat since I've been taking it.  I wouldn't have thought my doctor would put me on another sulfa drug.  
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Just some info from my BP medication rash and hives reactions. I was on Lostartan, HCT (then Lasix) Amlopidine, Clonidine, also Glyburide for Diabetes (type 2) and daily baby aspirin. Had severe allergic reactions to all of them at different times in 2 short months. These all were medications I have taken close to 3 years. The common connection to most if not all is Sulfa which is  distant chemical connection to all of these drugs. I just happen to be highly allergic to Sulfa and Penicillin drugs. Just finished Predisone along with Ativan to calm my system down. I see the one and only allergist in my area in less than 2 weeks.
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i have been going to dermatoligist for 2 years and still cant find the right bp tablet to take the only thing that stopped my itching was  predosline tablets for asthma but of course you cant stay on them for too long trying Norvask now but its not working iether
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I have been put on 7 different bp meds in the last 3 months. After 48 hrs. on each med I have head pain (like I was hit on the top of the head w/ a hammer) burning head, buzzing nerves in head ,sometimes go down into my face. popping sounds in my head from nerves going crazy.
My Cardiologist wants me in this month to try another..can't go through that again!! I am done!! I spent many days going to the ER from the side affects.
I have developed a case of HIGH anxiety from all this!
Has anyone else experianced these symptoms?
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Yes.  I want something holistic.
Hello Sesi99.  Welcome to the forum and thank you for joining. It does help to start your own discussion for responses back directly to you.  I would recommend that you continue to work with your doctor.  You are needing treatment for high blood pressure?  Lifestyle changes can impact our bp. Daily exercise, healthy diet, etc. will help with your bp.  But again, you need guidance from your doctor.  There are herbs you can try if your doctor agrees. https://www.healthline.com/health/high-blood-pressure-hypertension/herbs-to-lower
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I found our about 5 months ago I am also allergic to my blood-pressure meds.  I developed this terrible rash on my legs along with sever swelling of my ankles and feet.  I am a cancer survior and along with the chemo comes a decress in your immune system.  I developed a rash not long after the chemo and found it was called granuloma annulara.  That was 10 years ago.  I thought I had the same rash again, but this time it was different because of the swelling.  I went to my dermatologist and was put on meds for the rash as before but they didn't work.  She then did a biopsy and found I had a drug reaction.  The only meds I take are Benicar HCT and potassium.  I immediately went of the Benicar and started taking a variety of other BP meds.  At first they though I was allergic to the  HCT, but then realized it was the Benicar.  I am now on Bystolic, but still have the rash.  I also take 80mg of Lasix per day.  I still have the rash... but was told by the dermatologist it may take up to 6 months for the meds to get out of my system.  Has anyone else had anything like this happen?  I scratch my legs until they bleed sometimes... I need help!!!
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