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Allergic to bra

I recently bought a Victoria Secret padded demi bra.  I am also dieting so when my top began to itch I originally associated it with the fact that everything was shrinking.  I spoke with my sister and she told me that she had the same reaction to thier bras.  Is it possible that I am allergic the bra?  The entire breast itches not just the area around the band....what ingredient in the padding would cause this reaction?  I was curious since it seems that several brand are copying their materials.  
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I went to the doctor with this "rash".  I was skeptical when he said it was an allergic reaction to something in my bras because I haven't bought a new bra in about a year.  I had alternated between various Lane Bryant bras.  Reading your comments, I believe him now since many said that the bras that they were wearing were not new.  I am trying cortisone cream (OTC) and taking Benedryl to see if it helps.  I go without a bra when I am at home alone to see if it will help.  Does anyone have any new information or advice?
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I was able to find underwire bras with no padding that are not causing any skin reaction.  I have worn them for several months with no problem at all.   I sure wish I could wear bras with a little bit of padding for discretion, but I won't risk buying any more.

In one of my conversations with a representative at Barely There, she recommended that if I wanted padding to get ones with fiberfill rather than foam padding as they have not had problems reported with that.  They are hard to find and the only one of those that I found did not fit me at all.  

Makes me angry that the manufacturers know that the foam padding is toxic to many of us but they continue to use it.
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I did not get responses to any of the letters I wrote.  Disappointing.  I sure was hoping that one of the news networks or Dr. Oz might look into this.  Without a way for all of us who are having a problem to band together and show how many women this is affecting, nothing will change.  

Please spread the word as much as you can.  It may seem embarrassing, but it is so important.  Facebook, Twitter, writing letters, etc.  Maybe eventually someone will see how many women this is hurting and help bring about a change.  

Any other suggestions?
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We should certainly have laws which prohibit unsafe toxic chemicals from being impregnated into our intimate clothing. Because that's exactly what these companies are doing. It happened to me with a Warner's bra. They absolutely refuse to take any responsibility for poisoning our bodies. These chemicals seep through the skin and get into our bloodstreams. They know this and continue to do it.
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OMG!!  I have been to my dr. then a dermatologist and an allergist... and no one could tell me the problem just "dermatitis"  I had to be put on prednisone for so long that it had lowered my immune system so much that my ear got a bad infection and my eardrum actually ruptured.  I now know like the last commenter it was due to my bra from Walmart.  The bra that caused the issues for me was not from VS so I think they are putting chemicals in our bras in several of the big stores.  What can we do except quit buying them!!  I went through so much over a stupid bra it's absoultley outrageous these big companies care more about the bottom line profit than the consumers!
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Good Luck to you. I'm sure you will let us know if you hear from anyone. I have permanent chemical burns on the skin under my bra. I have tried for 2 years to get someone at Warner's to take responsibility for putting these toxic chemicals in our intimate clothing. But they just stonewall and say it is not the fault of the bra.
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