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Allergic to bra

I recently bought a Victoria Secret padded demi bra.  I am also dieting so when my top began to itch I originally associated it with the fact that everything was shrinking.  I spoke with my sister and she told me that she had the same reaction to thier bras.  Is it possible that I am allergic the bra?  The entire breast itches not just the area around the band....what ingredient in the padding would cause this reaction?  I was curious since it seems that several brand are copying their materials.  
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Why are companies allowed to sell toxic clothing to consumers? What chemicals are impregnated into the materials which cause these chemical burns to the skin?
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I have been having the same problem since December.  If I wear my new Vanity Fair Black bra made in Thailand one day, the next day it looks like I am wearing a red bra on both breast that is a perfect impression of the VF black bra.  I have seen a dermatologist and my OBGYN.  The prescriptions treat the symptoms but they come back when I wear the bra just one day.  I've only worn it twice and I've never experienced anything like this before.  The problem does not appear to be isolated to the brand but possibly the country or region that they are manufactured.
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The reactions to contaminants in bras continue!!!! I began reacting to my Chantelle bras last fall. It took me awhile to isolate the cause to my lovely and expensive "Parisian" lingerie but I am certain the bras are what are causing my really uncomfortable rash. After trial & error, discarding a bra I thought had suddenly become contaminated, buying new ones, and having additional reactions.... just as all who have posted have suffered, I am determined to take action. The only thing that subdues my allergic reaction is Prednisone (which is not a fun medication!), which I've had to take 4 courses of over the past 4 months. I contacted Nordstrom and Chantelle. It took a couple of weeks to get a reply from Chantelle but after I emailed the representative photos of my alarmingly welted and inflamed breasts I'm seeing what I hope is action from Chantelle. If I'm not convinced they are taking this seriously I WILL file a lawsuit. My biggest worry is the formaldehyde/cancer connection. I am not an alarmist or a litigious person but we all have to advocate for ourselves and for other women.
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I suffered severe injury to my skin from a reaction to chemicals in a Warners bra. They do not own up to the fact that they use toxic chemicals in the manufacture of bras. Warner's tried to tell me nothing was wrong with their bras, but I have photos to prove otherwise. And it happened twice, because they sent me a different replacement bra which I didn't ask for and didn't want. But kept assuring me that it would not hurt me and that I should wash it before wearing it. Finally I tried it and was injured all over again.
As you say - these companies should have to tell us what chemicals they are putting into their fabrics. Or, at least have a warning label, so we know to stay away. But this whole issue is covered up and the manufacturers act like something is wrong with the user, when it is the chemicals that are the problem.
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Adding to my last post --

The un-padded bra that is working for me has been discontinued so I can't get more.  The cups on it are nylon and spandex.  Back to shopping for another unpadded bra.  Smaller cup sizes are hard to find in unpadded.  I did find a Fruit of the Loom cotton and spandex underwire bra at Walmart and am having no problem.  Hooray!!  (Bonus, it only costs $7.97!) .  Avoiding the cup padding seems to do the trick.  I am still pursuing getting the message out to try to bring about a change and get safe bras on the market.  
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Since the cup area is the only part of the bra that causes this rash, I decided to try finding an un-lined bra.  This was a little hard to find, especially since I need a small cup size and most un-lined are in bigger cup sizes.  I did finally find a style that worked and have worn them for a few weeks with no rash.  Hooray!!  I much prefer some lining in the cups for wearing under certain garments, but at least I have a safe bra for now.

I would love to know how many others are dealing with this terrible rash.  I am going to write letters to some news networks to see if they will pick this up and investigate.  We need a centralized place for woman to report this problem in order to bring about a change.
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