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Allergies causing swollen lymph node?

I've had a swollen lymph node on the left side of my neck for several years now.  It is mostly painless (only hurts when I press hard) and it seems to be fixed.  It basically feels the way my neck nodes always get when I have a bad cold, only without the pain.  The node doesn't seem to get bigger or smaller.  It's located behind my jaw and below my ear.  My old doctor was aware of this, but never really pursued the issue.  I didn't think it was a cause for concern until recently.  I was told that the node could be swollen due to allergies.  I have constant sinus congestion, frequently with post-nasal drip, and I typically get two nasty colds (or sinus infections) each year.  When I do get sick, the left node is always the most swollen and most painful.

Does anyone else have a node that has stayed swollen due to allergies?  I have made an appointment with a new doctor and I will have him check this out, but in the mean time I'm freaking myself out thinking about lymphoma (even though I don't have any other symptoms that would indicate that).
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This sounds like Patulous Eustacian Tube.
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I had the same thing, swollen neck node, tingly toes, upset stomach, upset bowels, chest pain, feeling generally unwell.  Had a complete work up done including Thallium stress test, CT scans, ultrasounds - everything normal.  Turns out I am allergic to dairy...who knew?
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I have the exact same issue but I don't wear perfume - its caused by others wearing it.  Its very frustrating because no one seems to care about other peoples health as long as they smell pretty and quite honestly 99% of those perfumes and colognes smell awfully nasty.  Its very debilitating and repeated pleas to coworkers and visitors to stop wearing it fall on deaf ears.  I guess I will need to be wheeled out in an ambulance berfore anyone gets the hint and even then, quite frankly they will still not see their scent as the problem.  It always seems to get twisted around to be MY problem to deal with.  Fragrance is full of chemicals and carcinogens and people should really start to wise up.  And its very depressing to realize that no one cares enough about another person's health to stop while I sit in my office daily being bombarded with scent.  My glands swell, I get hives, hard to breath, coughing, congested, sometimes nausea takes over.  Different scents cause different reactions due to their chemical composition - and a "mild" scent is no safer than a "strong" one.  Essential oils are even worse.  Just wish someone would care
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My daughter who is 23 has been having post nasal drip now she had swollen lymph nodes on her left side, but has some pain near her ear ! She has had problems for a few years now,but our doctor noticed swelling on one side ! She needs to have a ultra sound ,she is feeling very nervous ,and so am I ,does anyone else had or have to problem ,and what did your doctor tell you ? Thank you
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5968664 tn?1377595508
I have he same exact thing. Its allergies, the body needs to consistently keep that specific lymph node more active to accommodate the post nasal drip that harbors easier upper respiratory infections. Im the same as you, aliger, my left neck lymph nodes are swollen and have been for years. Use a steroid nasal spray as well as allegra (2wice daily).  That combo seems to work best for me. And when you do use the nasal spray... cheat up into your nostril and inhale more powerfully so more of the steroid can get to your tonsils, calming them down.  
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I am dealing with a similar thing.  A few months ago I suddenly had a very sore left ear and tingling in my jaw.  I had not had a cold or anything that would cause an ear infection, so I saw a dentist.  They said I needed a root canal.  After the root canal, the pain mostly went away, but I was left with my left ear sometimes feeling hollow or wet and a bit of jaw tingling.  The root canal was many procedures and I had a lot of novacaine in the back of my mouth and such.  The whole time, the glands inside my cheek were up and down, my ear felt weird on and off and my left sinus in the cheek hurt badly on and off.  I mentioned it each time and they shrugged it off.  After getting my crown, my left lymph node in my neck puffed up as did the one right in front of my ear.  I went to the urgent care and she said it was viral (even after describing the above).  Two weeks later I saw an oral surgeon who could feel the paratoid gland in my cheek was hard and sore.  He treated me for a deep tissue infection.  It did help my cheek, but the ear feeling lingered.  It usually starts off fine and then is triggered by being around a lot of people - work, Target, the mall (walking by Abercrombie is the worst!).  I have always been scent sensitive and it seems to be smells that are triggering it.  I went back to the doc and now have an ENT appt. set up.  When it gets really swollen my whole left ear, cheek and throat pulse a little.  It isn't super painful, but is uncomfortable, especially in my neck/throat.  My regular doc said allergies cannot cause swollen lymph node.  The oral surgeon thought there is likely an issue with the Eustachian tube, and told me to head to the ENT.  I will let you all know what they say!
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