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Allergies causing swollen lymph node?

I've had a swollen lymph node on the left side of my neck for several years now.  It is mostly painless (only hurts when I press hard) and it seems to be fixed.  It basically feels the way my neck nodes always get when I have a bad cold, only without the pain.  The node doesn't seem to get bigger or smaller.  It's located behind my jaw and below my ear.  My old doctor was aware of this, but never really pursued the issue.  I didn't think it was a cause for concern until recently.  I was told that the node could be swollen due to allergies.  I have constant sinus congestion, frequently with post-nasal drip, and I typically get two nasty colds (or sinus infections) each year.  When I do get sick, the left node is always the most swollen and most painful.

Does anyone else have a node that has stayed swollen due to allergies?  I have made an appointment with a new doctor and I will have him check this out, but in the mean time I'm freaking myself out thinking about lymphoma (even though I don't have any other symptoms that would indicate that).
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272856 tn?1253445577
Hi everyone...have any of you thought about having food allergy testing done??? I truly believe that all of us, myself included, are suffering from food allergies...which, by the way, can be DELAYED!
You can begin getting symptoms of food allergies 3 days after eating a food than your body has a sensitivity to.

You can order food allergy testing kits online, and have the blood drawn at your Dr's office.
Try this site...www.NutritionallyYours.net

Let me know what happens with everyone!
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I've had aswollen lymph node for about 1mo. Just to give you some background I've had a trach for 11yrs. from a gunshot to the neck. I also have allergies and to make matters worse I work in a dusty environment. One morning I woke up with a swollen lymph node that was actually painful that went away after about 10 days. But when that went away I got nodule in my neck not noticeable but there was a dulled pain and when I touched it I could hear a squishing sound. I went to Dr. had a CT scan but he couldn't find anything. He gave me meds for my allergies and told to suck on lemon juice and pickle juice. I have also ben taking ACV(apple cider vinegar). Anybody else with these symptoms?  
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I've had this small swollen lymph node right beneath my right ear, and behind my jaw line since the beginning of spring. Just over a year ago I had an allergic reaction (cause unknown). I went to the doctor once and they said it was nothing to worry about, probably just seasonal allergies. It is a little scary knowing that I've had it for months now. I also recently discovered a small bump behind my left ear. I have itchy ears (on the inside), and an itchy throat, I guess that is the seasonal allergies....I just need more of an explanation.
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By process of elimination, I found that the node under my ear swells after eating anything with CORN in it. Almost everything contains some form of CORN (as in corn syrup, corn starch, corn oil, etc.).  It swells a little almost immediately and stays swelled about 3 days.  If I stay off of all CORN products, I do not have a problem.
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I actually for years have had a swollen lymph node on the side of my neck on the right side directly below the back of my jaw line.  No pain or anything unless pressing hard.  I actually have never really noticed it its normally pretty small and obsolete but i woke up this morning and it was a little harder and more noticeable which i think it has just swelled up a little.  I was not sure i get allergy shots once every other week and it is also spring time and i get bad allergies and sinus infections this time of year...also i just had my wisdom teeth out and i hear that can mess with your sinuses and some times cause infection...i am hoping there is no cause for worry i was just hoping this sounds normal and its seeming like it does.
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I've had swollen gland around ear and jaw too. Its on the same side every sprin/summer and it also happens to be the same side of an old neck injury. I have bad allergies. Im also pregnant and my wisdom teeth seem to be coming in. I also have horrible jaw pain on the side of the swollen glands. I've been on antibiotics 3 times and its still there. Idk what this is!
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