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Allergies causing swollen lymph node?

I've had a swollen lymph node on the left side of my neck for several years now.  It is mostly painless (only hurts when I press hard) and it seems to be fixed.  It basically feels the way my neck nodes always get when I have a bad cold, only without the pain.  The node doesn't seem to get bigger or smaller.  It's located behind my jaw and below my ear.  My old doctor was aware of this, but never really pursued the issue.  I didn't think it was a cause for concern until recently.  I was told that the node could be swollen due to allergies.  I have constant sinus congestion, frequently with post-nasal drip, and I typically get two nasty colds (or sinus infections) each year.  When I do get sick, the left node is always the most swollen and most painful.

Does anyone else have a node that has stayed swollen due to allergies?  I have made an appointment with a new doctor and I will have him check this out, but in the mean time I'm freaking myself out thinking about lymphoma (even though I don't have any other symptoms that would indicate that).
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Hi, I have this exact same thing and was wondering if you ever got any resolution?  I have had chronic sinusitis for many years now.  My lymph node right under my ear, behind my jaw bone has been hard and fixed for over a year now and aches usually anytime I get a cold. However, this last month all of my neck nodes have been swollen and I've had a sore neck and jaw.  The doc says I may have a bacterial infection so he put me on antibiotics that did not do anything to resolve the issues.
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I have similar swelling of lymph nodes below my right chin close to my ear.  I can feel it swelling and getting a little bigger.  At the same time, my face gets warmer.  I have been dealing with a severe allergic reaction (cause is still unknown).  Whenever I take 2 tablets of Benadryl, it calms down a little bit.  I believe it is related to my allergic reaction.  
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Your Eustachian tube is located approximately in the location you describe. You might have a chronic infection that is non-bacterial.(Not treatable by antibiotics)  It could be preventing drainage of your middle ear.
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hey i would just like to ask i have an itchy throat and sore throat for 1 year but i doesnt coz pain i have enlarge lympnodes my cbc are ok and normal my hiv test in one year is negative what is this?
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563773 tn?1374246539


Lymph nodes are small (1-2cm) and bean-shaped nodes. They are very important to your body keeping you healthy. Lymphadenopathy (swollen lymph nodes) is usually caused by a viral or bacterial infection. Other causes include allergic reactions, arthritis, cancer, metabolic diseases, and an overactive thyroid (hyperthyroidism).It is not always lymphoma that causes lympadenopathy.Allergies are more common.

Treatment for inflamed, swollen lymph nodes, also known as lymphadenitis, depends on the cause. In some cases, over-the-counter (OTC) pain relievers and warm compresses may be all you need. For more serious cases, treatment of swollen lymph nodes involves treating the underlying cause.Also take some precautions like do not poke or squeeze the swollen lymph nodes.

Hope it helps.Take care and regards.

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