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Allergy or HIV?

I had potentially unprotected (insertive) male on male sex in October of 2011.  I say "potentially" because I was intoxicated but I thought at the time I had on a condom.  

At the end of November of 2012 I started developing what I thought was a sinus issue that I get due to allergies 3 or 4 times a year.  Symptoms have persisted off and on now for over three months.  Some of my symptoms are as follows;

Stuffy nose
Post nasal drip - December
Itchy scaly eyebrows - november
Oral herpes - off and on now and for many many years
clogged ears - off an on since December
Night Sweats - December
Fatigue - December
Lack of Concentration, Dizzy, lightheaded - December
numb, tingly hands and feet - December and hot foot (bottom) now
High blood pressure - since December - now on meds
tinnitus - since December
Off and on loose stools and upset stomach - Once every few weeks since December
External hemorrhoid - came up a few weeks ago but has since gone away.  
Dry mouth - now
possible oral thrush - not sure (rough patch inside left cheek)

I have strong mold, and tree and grass allergies.  I live in an area of Texas (Austin) that may be the worst for allergy sufferers.  I was much better in February but March has brought back the clogged ears, tinnitus, and severally stuffy nose.  I have had this for 2 1/2 weeks now.  

Back in December I was on 4 weeks of antibiotics for an infection which helped me heal.  I am not currently on antibiotics but I am on steroid nose sprays, zyrtec and singulair and nothing seems to help. The ringing, clogged ears and stuffy nose are killing me.

Is this primary HIV or do I just need to get a better control on my allergy issues?
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Have you tested for HIV? HIV has no specific symptoms.
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I have not tested.  
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1340994 tn?1374193977
It sounds like the antibiotics took care of bacteria, but may have thrown you into yeast overgrowth.  You could even have a fungal sinus infection as this is common after antibiotics for sinus infection.  

Start a probiotic.  Avoid sugar, processed foods, fried foods, fast food.  From the health food store, get a high-potency odorless garlic pill and take that as directed.  Get a bottle of oil of oregano pills and take those everyday as directed.  Find out what's in your water (chlorine and ammonia?) and consider getting a water filter for your shower that filters that stuff out.  It's bad for your skin, hair and lungs.  

These things should improve your health drastically very quickly.  
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