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Allergy testing and blood pressure med's

why will I need to stop my blood pressure meds for 3-5 days before allergy testing?
2 Responses
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1530171 tn?1448129593
Hey bewilildered2!

Not sure about that. Why don't you do the Dr. Coca's Pulse Test. it will show you with accuracy any allergic or reactive substance you ingest ( food or drink).
It takes a week to complete but it is worth it. A great diagnostic tool!
Free download for the entire book. Public Domain. just do a search.

if you still need to go to the allergist for a test and need to discontinue your meds for a few days ( call their office first to verify it) do the following starting now (as it takes sometime to work) :
Drink plenty of filtered water 1hour away from meals.
Take a good multi vitamin,with minerals
Take 1T Organic Apple Cider Vinegar before each meal.
Take 1000mg Omega3 (high quality from small cold water fish)
Q10 100mg daily.
Take Garlic or garlic supplements.
Do EFT daily for emotional relief and de-stressing.Free download. Do a search.
Exercise daily, walking, hiking, light weights training etc.
Eat  nutrient rich fresh wholesome foods. Keep a balanced diet.
Do conscious deep breathing. 7"in through the nose, hold for 1", 7" exhale through the mouth. Count  minimum 10 times per set. Do several sets daily.
Do meditation. If not able buy meditation C.D. and use daily.
I do most of the above and never take meds. My BP is normal.

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1548028 tn?1324612446
I don't know but you need to talk to your dr. that prescribes your blood pressure medications to you before you discontinue them.  Blood pressure medication takes a while to go out of your system but they also take a while to get back in your system.
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