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Allergy testing without insurance (rare allergies)

I've never had an allergy testing at any point in my life although its pretty obvious I have allergies.  I take loratidine pretty regularly and it does help somewha,  but I'd like to get real allergy testing there are only two problems.

First: I don't have insurance so I need to know how much testing is going to cost me out-of-pocket

Second: What kind of testing/allergist do you need to help identify an unusual but serious allergy?
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746512 tn?1388807580
In Canada without insurance it costed me $25, however I'm not sure how much is covered by the public health care or if it falls under prescriptions and private insurance.

In pets the cost is $500-1500 depending on the length of testing so I would assume it should be somewhere around that.  
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I live in the USA so while I like Canada for visit ;) prices from there aren't going to help me very much.

I would like medical assistance in testing and identifying a probable anaphalaxis reaction to an airbourne substance food near certain food stands so I finally know what I spend my life running from :)
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I only know what the cost is for Melissa metal allergy testing.

Anywhere from $300 for testing for one metal allergy to $700 for full testing of all metals.

I would think the price would be all over the scale, depending what you are being tested for.  Can you call the doctors office and ask them to give you a ballpark figure for the test?
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I had never heard of the Melissa Metal allergy test before today...its a specialized test just not the one I need :( How do you even find out about non-standard allergy testing?

I *think* I'm allergic to a cooking oil or a by product of heating some other substance.
It has a distinct smell that prompts me to leave the vacinity rapidly, I know how awful I feel if I don't get out of there.

The primary culprits: are some movie theaters I could not be anywhere near the popcorn stands, a shop making fresh fudge, some fresh carmel, and some stands making fresh nuts. I also avoid all carmel corn as almost all of them seem to be bad for me.

I am not allergic to corn or dairy...at least as much as anyone can tell without actual allergy testing.

In all instances something is being "cooked" in the immediate vacinity
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