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Am I Allergic? - How to read Skin Test Results

I am driving myself nuts trying to figure out my allergy skin test results. I had a cousin who died from a peanut allergy 6 years ago. SInce then have been afraid to touch nuts and it has me scared and I hardly eat anything. I went to an allergist to to review results of skin tests done 5 years ago to put my mind at ease and start enjoying life again. Test results concluded I am allergic to pollen, dust, grass, cats but when it came to food the results read +++ peanuts, +++ tuna, + chocolate, + orange, +++ wheat, +++ histamine.. Does anyone knwo what this means. Dr told me that I have no food allergies, but doesn't the more +++'s mean i am likely allergic.. If anyone has any idea on how to read these results please help me!! I am going insane and starving!
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Histamine is taken as the positive control and given 3+. You would be considered allergic to anything which reads as 3+ or more , that is 4+.

Peanuts, tuna and wheat all are 3+ in your case - so according to this test you are allergic to these foods.

I would suggest you get yourself tested or food allergies once again - as this test was done 5 years back. Also, it would be best to consult an allergy specialist.

Do you have any symptoms on eating these foods?

Let us know how you are doing and what your doctor has advised.

Hope this helps.

Good luck.
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Thank you so much for your quick response.

I did see an allergist to get these results and he is the one that said I am not allergic to any foods. Although the results seem to show other words. Am I missing something? He just told me that my body has been in contact with Nuts, wheat and that is why I am producing anitbodies to them.  I am so confused. I have never had a reaction while eating nuts(been 6 years since I touched them) and wheat no reaction but now seeing this +++ to wheat has me concerned and I am starting to feel things which may be only panic/aniexty.  I am scheduled to have skin tests in April but i'm nervous about everything I eat.  So can you please tell me if I am missing something. How can he say I am not allergic when I have +++ everywhere..
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The allergy test also needs to bo corborated clinically with your symptoms.

If you have been eating wheat and not having any allergy reaction then you should not worry about a wheat allergy.

It would be best to get a review allergy test done and then talk to your allergy specialist about this.

Do you have any symptoms that are a cause of concern  now?

Let us know if you have any doubts.

Hope this helps.

Good luck.
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Hello there,

The only symptom I am experencing now it tightness in throat, no trouble breathing. I am a worrier and  think it is probally stress/aniexty. I also have a gassy feeling in my throat, making me feel I should burp when I have this feeling in throat. I had this tightness yesterday and took Reactine as a precaution and subsided for a bit but came back once I ate again. I think it may be reflux. I hope I am not bothering you with my problems. If I was allergic to wheat I'm sure it wouldnt' pop up all of a sudden since I have eaten it on numerous occasions without trouble. Any imput you have on the tightness in throat would be appreciated.
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You should take some anti-nausea , anti-reflux medications for a few days and see if that helps.

The symptoms could be related to anxiety or stress and you should try to avoid any stress.

You should also ask your doctor if you need to take antihistamine medications for your symptoms.

Let us know how you are doing.

Hope this helps.

Good luck.
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I have just received old results of my daughters allergy testing. The first column labeled "*****" has various "2+" , "1+" "4+'s" : the second column is unlabeled but has check marks in it: the third column is labeled "ID" and aligned with the checks in the previous column there is either "0" , or "9x9/30x30" next to cladosporium and cat, or "6x6/9x9" next to dog. What do these last 2 fraction numbers mean? They do not align with any 3+, or 4+'s in the first columns.
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we just received the test results for my step-son. the results are not the same ones that my son had. my sons were 2,3,4 with plus signs and my step-sons are numbers and some are underlined. the numbers range from 5-10. i am not sure how to read these can u help me out please?
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