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Try to tell my story in short.  November 2 I had a bowl of clam chowder (eaten many times in my life) and a half hour later I was in anaphylactic shock.  I was rushed to emergency, given benedryl and sent home 4 hours later.  I got an Epipen for I was told, although rare, that I could have a secondary reaction within the next week.  Sure enough November 5 I had a second reaction (bi-phasic reaction).  I was given the epipen by my mother for I passed out and couldn't give it myself.  Back to the hospital.  I was given another dose of benedryl and was told that I would be fine, that I had the adrenaline and the benedryl on board and was in the clear.  Not even an hour after that first one, I had another one right there in the emerg hallway waiting for a room.  Somehow my body managed to fight the second one off without the epipen.  This time I was given a steriod before I went home.  I'm wondering if anyone else after an attack like this has felt small after effects like high blood pressure or low blood pressure, rapid heart rate exceeding 105bpm at rest, flushing, hard time breathing, hives, nausea, light headedness?  The list goes on.  I just haven't felt right since and I haven't been able to be tested for I'm still highly reactive.  How long do we stay reactive?  How long does the steriod last in our system to fight this off?  Will I feel like this forever?  Should I have been released from the hospital so soon?  Could I have a severe allergy to more than just shellfish?  AHHH, sorry, just scared to even leave the house.
Thanks for insight on this.  This is my first run with this problem and still confused on everything that has happened.
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Everytime I suffer a anaphactic reaction to anything, I have palpitations, low blood pressure and nausea for quite a while afterwards. I have frequent reactions as I have many allergies and out of all the symptoms I get afterwards, I would say the nausea is the worst. I also lose about 8lb in weight each time.
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Yes, it is a great diet.....if your looking to loose weight, lol.  It seems there are a lot of people who have anaphylaxis, but actually have never had a severe reaction.  I've read its rare to go into anaphylactic shock.  I always wanted to be rare......but this is extreme.  I finally have my allergist appointment on Wednesday.  I know he wants me to bring in a clam with me to test me with it.  I don't believe I am going to allow him to test my skin with it, but maybe allow him to take blood and test that.  I have done reading that every attack can be worse and that someone who has had a severe allergic reaction should not be exposed to that allergen again.  I really don't want to be sitting in an office and going into anaphylactic shock again.  That isn't even an option.  How many times have you yourself had anaphylaxis attacks?  Do you go into shock like I did?  That was really scary.
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