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daughter turning blue

My twelve year daughter has suffered from asthma and allergies since she was little. She has been on Zolair injections for 7 months. I have to say they really made a difference for her. She received 2 injections every 2 weeks. However we missed a dose in December because she wasn't feeling up to par. A couple of weeks later her hands were a dirty blue. I brought her to her pediatrician who did blood work., it showed elevated IgE levels. We went to her Asthma Dr who said to be safe no more Zolair until he speaks with the Zolair rep. WELL!!!!  this was several weeks ago and we have not heard anything yet. In the mean time my daughter now is experiencing a increase in turning blue in the knee and ankle area,along with a bluish tint around her mouth and going up her arm from her hands. This all comes and goes. Has anybody ever experienced this at all . I am very concerned but the Dr's don't seem to be. Any info would be really appreciated, or know any Dr who could help.
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1400499 tn?1320410293
What is her PulseOx level, meaning what is the measured levels of oxygen in her blood stream?
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My thoughts exactly.

What is her pulse ox when she is at the doctor's office.  A blue mouth is sign of trouble in a big way.  Do they at least have you doing regular (timed) breathing treatments?  

I think I would take her to an ER and have this checked out, even if the regular doctors are not that concerned.  

Praying you get answers soonl.
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