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Anybody has Aquagenic Urticaria?????

I have this rare desease cald Aquagenic Urticaria, Im like allergic to water, I want to meet somebody who has the same condition has me to talk and help each other, right now Im very down in the dumps, I take 5 meds for that and I kind of tire of trying some meds all the time :S
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1355118 tn?1298564879
Hi, welcome to the forum, there are cases been reported in few posts regarding 'allergic to water' (http://www.medhelp.org/posts/Allergy/Allergic-to-water-Aquagenic-Pruritus/show/1292538). Very less has been known about water allergy. It can be due to exposure to allergens present in water in your area or due to ions in non-distilled water.

If you are allergic to water following measures will help you-
- Stay away from water as long as possible.
- Avoid going in rain outside.
- Keep yourself cool during summer as even sweating will cause reaction.
- Try boiling water before bath and as well can try hot water bath. Avoid showers.
- Dry yourself immediately as soon you finish your bath.  

If you want to enjoy the shower/water bath/ swimming then you can try anti histamines against prescription prophylactic i.e. one hour before the exposure.

I hope this will help you. Take care and regards.
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Hi thanks for the information, but the dermatologist told me that, but now she says that she cant help me anymore, and she said that its more like a allergy problem, but its urticaria and her field of work, and now Im on my own and she did talked about IVIG treatment, 2 other doctors talked to her about it, I wonder if that could help??????
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