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Are food allergy reactions random?

Can mild food allergy cause Vasovagal Reflex (dizzy spell, palpitations, sweaty, trouble swallowing), but resume on its own after a few minutes? And feel the same symptoms the following meals even without eating the trigger food?

I did allergy test and was told I have allergy to cashew and pecan... and possibly other nuts.
Sometimes I eat one or 2 cashew and I'm fine.

Before I did the allergy test I had the above vasovagal symptoms (almost no more since I stopped eating nuts).
Also have history of irritable bowel syndrome like symptoms.

3 Responses
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Hello there,

Just finished reading your comments.  Just out of curiosity, when did
you have the allergy test ; recently or a few years ago. Did you know
that allergies can get worse.  The symptoms you describe such as
dizzy spells, palpitations, sweaty and trouble swallowing are serious.
If an allergy test determined that you have allergies to cashews , pecans
and possibly other nuts than I would eliminate all nuts from your diet.
Also you need to check ingredients on other foods to make sure there
are no nuts in that product for example in baked goods.  With these
symptoms that you describe especially difficulty swallowing, dizzy spells
etc. this is your body's way of telling you not to eat nuts of any kind.
It doesn't matter if you have a mild or severe allergy to nuts because
mild can turn to severe without you even knowing.  You can eat some
nuts , have an anaphylactic shock, your throat closes up, you can't
breathe and you can die.  You should also get an epi pen from your
family doctor in case of emergencies.  Take this allergy seriously.
Your body is telling you something. I would listen to it if I were you.
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168348 tn?1379357075
Hi  .. I'm not a doctor or expert by any means.  Just was wondering if it could be anxiety playing a role in this.  It is very scary living with food allergies.  Just a thought to ask your doctor about maybe.

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409204 tn?1212110268
Yes, allergy symptoms can resolve(recover) on their own.. but i wouldn't take that for granted.. as each time u ingest an allergen.. it puts you at higher risk for anaphylactic shock..   and yes those symptoms are common allergic response symptoms and pretty bad ones at that.. i would recommend avoiding your allergens all together.. after all a cashew is not worth your life..
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