612551 tn?1450022175

Can an itchy eye in only one eye be an allergy?

I have been struggling with an itchy left eye for about a week.  It is much better in the morning after a night, even if the rest wasn't particularly good.  The right eye has a twinge of an itch, but no where near what I feel in the left eye.

I have used eye drops both to flush (dry eye) and antihistamine.  This appears to help a little, but has not resulted in any cure.  I have tried a couple of different antihistamine meds, including Benadryl.  

Is the fact that only one eye is itchy mean it isn't an allergy?  If possibly due to an allergy I'd appreciate any suggestions on over-the-counter meds I can try.

I can, of course, go to the doctor, but for now I am still trying to treat at home.  
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Hello Jerry_NJ,

Just finished reading your comments. Last year I had an eye infection.
It started out as an itchy eye in my right eye. It was also very uncomfortable.
I decided to go to the doctor about it.  I actually went to an after hours clinic
instead of going to my regular doctor because I didn't need an appointment
to see a doctor at the walk in clinic.  The doctor examined my eye and
gave me a prescription eye ointment. I was told to put this prescribed eye
ointment in both eyes as the doctor told me the eye infection can go into
my other day. That's why it's best to put the prescription eye ointment in
both eyes.  The ointment worked and the eye infection cleared up in my
right eye.  Seeing that you've had the itchy eye for about a week now and
you've already tried a couple of over the counter meds, maybe it's time to
see a doctor about your eye.  I never found out what caused the eye
infection and the doctor didn't know what caused it initially.   Good luck to
you.  Eve
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612551 tn?1450022175
Thanks, the itch goes on and I haven't yet gone to see a doctor - may do it and my primary care collaborates with a Nurse Practitioner (a Physician's assistant - licensed in NJ to write some prescriptions) and she may be easier to get an appointment with.

My eye doesn't itch when I'm sleeping - that is it doesn't interfere with sleeping, other things do but no eye itch when I wake up.  I fine a warm wash cloth used to wipe the eye taking some care to wipe tin inside edge of the eye lid both upper and lower, helps   The problem remains in only the left eye.

My wife mentioned she sees some swelling on the eye, and told me to go to the doctor in the early going.  I'm a DIY type guy and grew up in an economic environment that demanded that...there just wasn't a penny to spare.  I got by with few doctor visits and even paid for the cost of our first child when I was a college student and 22 years old.  I got health insurance with my first job as an engineer, but my DIY mentality remains.

I have tried only the Opcon and Walmart form of, and wetting solution so far.  I think I will try Similasan Allergy Eye Relief Eye Drops which I see has good ratings on Amazon.
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It sound like Allergy, but does your eye hurt when in the sun light, if so maybe pink eye
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612551 tn?1450022175
Thanks, no not sensitive to sun light, I never have been and seldom wear Sun Glasses - and last Thursday I was into my eye doctor for some follow up testing for macular degeneration.   He said that condition can be caused and aggregated by bright light.  I have tried to use sun glass when outside in the snow which is just now disappearing in the cold hard winter we've had in NJ
and elsewhere.

I used Similason (over-the-counter) Allergy Eye Relief for a couple of days and my eyes have very little itch.  Not sure if they just got better or the eye drops brought it about...but if the itch returns I know where I'll start in home treatment.  But, these drops come with a warning not to use if over 30 days old (from open date).  So my practice of putting stuff like this on my medicine shelf and keeping it for years only to need it again after even the "sell before date" has passed, sometimes for a couple of years.  This was the case with my Opti.. some think, but I purchased  fresh bottle of the Equate similar and it didn't seem to help.  I read several good reports on Similasan before buying.
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