233772 tn?1297353383

Can't breath through nose, shortness of breath

I have been taking Zyrtec-D and at first it seemed that was working but now I am having more stuffiness. I can't breath through my nose. I have tried nasal sprays to no avail. I have tried other over the counter meds such as Claritin and Tylenol Sinus but none work. I go to bed at night and I am fine for a bit but always wake up at about 4am. I am exhausted and am not getting enough sleep. Off and on I have been having a little shortness of breath. I am not sure if I am combining too much with that as well. I go off and on because I am worried about using nasal spray too many days in a row. I also am plugged up so much that I can't even blow my nose. Nothing comes out! I can feel it drip though in the back of my nose. I went to the doctor and he was going to put me on a nasal spray but he forgot to. I have been on that same one before however and it didn't do anything. I am thinking of seeing an allergist. Just don't know when I can get in one and where and if they are covered under my insurance. I am just worried about breathing and getting sleep. I am at my wits end! Help!
49 Responses
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233772 tn?1297353383
Allergy shot went great! No reaction what so ever. I am doing very well. I am breathing so much better. I have been doing nasal irrigation and I swear by that!!! I can't believe the difference in me lately. I hope it continues. My energy levels have been much better as well. It helps that I am not having a hard time breathing as well. Anyway, if anything else changes I will let you know. Again, thanks for all your advice.
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Are you taking your asthma medications - your inhalers regularly? Are you using a spacer with the inhalers?

It would help to review your inhaler technique once by a medical professional.

Do let us know how the allergy shot goes.

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233772 tn?1297353383
Well I am having my first allergy shot tomorrow morning. I am still having shortness of breath. Not sure why. I am doing the nasal irrigation as of yesterday.  I really like that. Anyway, I will let you know how it goes.
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How are you doing now?

Do update us on the latest.

Let us know if you need any other information.

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233772 tn?1297353383
Thanks, I will try that irrigation. I have heard that its good. Its nice to know I am not alone. Mine was complicated by panic attacks as well. Its not easy. I have never had allergies this bad before. So as you can imagine, I have been going crazy thinking its something else. Now that I have them under control life is getting better! Best of luck to you as well.
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Good to know that you are doing well now.

It is indeed nice of you to follow up and keep us posted.

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