1490625 tn?1288360813

Chest Pains/asthma

My name is Sheena and I am also a 40yr old female with the same symptoms, shest pains in the middle of the night. It only last a few minutes, i have asthma and have been using my rescue when this happens but I do not have any wheezing not coughing attack when this the chest pains begin. An I developing a heart problem?
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You definitely need to see your doctor.   The chest pains can be several things - cardiac, acid reflux, asthma flare...  Your doctor will be able to help you sort out exactly what is going on and get you back to sleeping well.  

Praying you find answers.
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1355118 tn?1298564879
Hi, welcome to the forum, the chest pain is needed to be evaluated and should not be overlooked. Most common causes are musculoskeletal pain (due to abnormal sleeping posture) followed by acid reflux (gastric acid secretion is maximum in night). But cardiac causes needed to rule out like angina, pericarditis which can cause tightness in the chest.

The respiratory causes are thromboembolism, Pneumothorax, Pleuritis/serositis and Pleural effusion. You need to get an ECG, plain chest radiograph and echocardiography to rule out the cardiac and respiratory causes. Otherwise musculo-skeletal pain is suspected which can be managed by analgesics. I suggest you to consult a physician. Take care and regards.

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