981046 tn?1248587175

Chronic Coughing

My wife developed a constant dry cough several months ago. This cough continues day and night and she continues to cough on the average of 15 to 30 times an hour.
She was diagnosed with allergies about two months ago and since then has been getting weekly shots.I am skeptical that the shots are doing anything but emptying our bank account!
She continues to have a chronic cough and we have not noticed any improvement.
I need a professional if at all possible that can help with any other suggestions.
P.S. she does not have Asthma and never has smoked.
Thanks for any help you can send our way !!!
3 Responses
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746512 tn?1388807580
Allergy shots can take a while to help.  I had improvements eariler than expected at 2 months into the shots.  They can take up to a year to see improvements.  

Dry cough can also be a symptom of asthma which goes along with allergies.  You said she doesn't have asthma but what kinds of tests have they done to rule it out?  I was told twice I didn't have it (by my GP and the allergist) and it took until one test that measured my lung volume to notice that I was air trapping.  

GERD and acid reflux can also cause coughing so it would be worth looking into it.  

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981046 tn?1248587175
Hi Tammy2009,
Thanks for your reply!!.
As a matter of fact my wife was diagnosed with Acid reflux during a recent stay in the hospital. She was given several tests including stress test. The doctors never mentioned that the constant coughing could be caused by acid reflux.
Do you know of anything I could do to remedy the coughing because of acid reflux or should I go to the acid reflux/GERD forum and check there?
Thanks again
Larry and Becky
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746512 tn?1388807580
I personally don't know anything about the medications for the reflux, best to go over to the other forum.  They will have a lot more information than what I can give you.
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