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Chronis sinus infections...HELP!

I am at my wit's end and just do not know what to do! Last year I had 8 sinus infections. My nose feels constantly stuffy and I have been on NUMEROUS antibiotics, steroid nasal sprays, saline sprays, and more. I have a new infection right now and the doctor prescribed 10 days of Augmentin. Well it is day 8 on the meds and I do not feel any better. I have terrible facial pain and pressure, my teeth hurt, ears hurt, and I am congested. It always feels like my nose is stuffy.

I dont know what to do! :( I made a doctors appointment to go back in the morning. He had also put me on a steroid nasal spray I thought was new but I found out I have already been on this before. :( This is interfering with school and work for me..I am constantly in pain.  I am afraid that when I go back to the doctor he is just going to put me on more medicine and I will still be like this.

HELP! What should I do?

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Hi There,

I can totally relate to what you are saying. I was getting 8-10 constant infections a year. I have suffered and still are for many year now but don't worry there is hope. I can suggest going to and ENT and also an Immunologist to get allergies tested and might have to start immunotherapy. ENT can check to see if your sinus are blocked etc. Don't worry just tell your Doctor this is what you want to do get to them as soon as possible. They can only make you better in time. This is very important

I have learnt to manage my life with different antihistamines and from time to time I have to go on storied called prednisone but this has become less and less over the year due to my allergies getting better from immunotherapy. I do sinus rinses every day am/pm and also have a pump salt water spray for during the day which I do 2 or 3 times daily to keep good drainage and hopefully help you get less infections or at least not as server.

I believe in working towards a plan to manage a condition not just dealing with it from day to day.

I really hope this helps you. Take care and don't be afraid just get starting getting a plan together to get better.

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thank you! I have made an appointment with my ENT for s consult on this problem. I have been allergy tested already and nothing really showed up. Should it be done again?
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Hello again

That is good news. Once you have seen you Ent maybe ask him/her what is the next thing you need to do. Tell them what you have been tested for and can he suggest anything else from who is the best Doctor for you and considering this doesn't seem to be getting anybetter to. It took a little while for me to get to the correct people but I had to keep pushing. I keep going back saying this isn't a solution. My immunologist has been the best for me. I see two professors ( ENT and Immunologist)  I just keep going back explain time and time again. I would and also would let them give up. Don't give up.. Yes this may not be an easy solution. I can understand this. Also go and get a second option. It can not hurt and if anything will reassure you that your doctors have you on the correct path or they may have other suggestions. I have managed this for 6 years and allot better these days then I did was 4 years ago. O my goodness do I have lots of stories about this. Ask as many questions as you need too even if you have to request more testing. Don't be afraid to ask for more help and request more visits to them.

Good luck
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