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Constant smoke smell in nasal passages.

I am a non-smoker. We are a non-smoking family. I am not around smokers at all. Why do I have the constant smell of smoke in my nose. It used to be just an occasional thing, but lately it seems to be all the time. I am concerned that this is a symptom of something I don't know about. The smell is strong. I used to notice it about a half hour after taking my Allegra-D 12 hr. tablets, but now I smell it much more often. Am I going crazy or is there something to this I'm not aware of. Has anyone else experienced this? Please help?
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1665771 tn?1303153998
Im amazed. I thought i was the only one with this problem. I had an electrical problem with an inverter in my truck. It started burning. After about 2 weeks without one i purchased a new one that works fine, but then i started smelling the ashy smell. It smells like a campfire all the time. Something is in my nasal passages that makes my eyes burn too. I figure all that stuff ENT are connected. What is the solution? I have used nasal sprays and that just seems to make me smell it more. Can anyone help?
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I too have this sickening smell in my nose. I have an ENT appt soon so hope it helps. In the meantime I just wanted to say that this smell is not isolated like some have said. I smell it everywhere - at work, home, different offices, buildings and now out of town. I am sick of this! Being dizzy and nauseated all the time are no fun. I hope all of us find peace soon and something wonderful to smell!
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I have been suffering from this for some time now. Cigarette/tobacco/burning smell. Just lately it has got a lot worse, it happens not only in my home but also in other places, so I know it is not just something in my house. I have a lesion in my right nostril, which was cauterised back in Jan 2011, which resulted in me having a very heavy nosebleed a few days later. I went to see my GP yesterday about the smell, but as I have an appointment with the ENT consultant in June, he was reluctant to do anything about it, and advised me to wait. Not sure whether to be worried or not!!
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Hi all ... well I get this smell too and I'm epileptic and I was told by epilepsy organisations through reading on their website that this 'smell' is a hint that I'm about to have a seizure ...

Just thought I'd tell people that ... because it's something quite big ...

Not meaning to scare people by the way.
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my husband thinks im mad cos i smell smoke all the time but no one else can.
the tecnical term for this is "phantosmia" or "olfactory hallucinations".
it can be caused by sinus problems,migrain,parkinsons disease , brian injury, temporal lobe epilepsy, brain tumours and stroke.
anyone who suffers this should ask their gp to be refurred to a neurologist.
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If you live anywhere near a street, road, freeway, byway, highway, etc., that may be a reason for your constant smoke smell and taste of gasoline when you burp.  I notice it a lot, but to me it smells like exhaust, and I can literally taste the smell (tastes like gasoline), and yes, even when I burp.  So, if we can smell it, taste it, and burp it, it is no surprise.  We are breathing it, swallowing it, and absorbing it through our pores.  Wind inversion causes it to be stronger sometimes, but I always smell the noxious fumes.  I bought an air purifier and it helps to a certain degree, but short of moving to the country well away from any traffic, it is an annoyance we may have to become accustomed to.  I know this is not exactly what you may want to hear, nor may it be a viable solution.  But, I believe this is something with which we have no other choice because we are living in a toxic environment/world.  Good luck to you.
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