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Constant smoke smell in nasal passages.

I am a non-smoker. We are a non-smoking family. I am not around smokers at all. Why do I have the constant smell of smoke in my nose. It used to be just an occasional thing, but lately it seems to be all the time. I am concerned that this is a symptom of something I don't know about. The smell is strong. I used to notice it about a half hour after taking my Allegra-D 12 hr. tablets, but now I smell it much more often. Am I going crazy or is there something to this I'm not aware of. Has anyone else experienced this? Please help?
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I just went to ENT yesterday and he said that he thinks its OZENA. While he was checking my nose he told me he could smell it also. But he said to him it did not smell like cigarettes but he could see where I would mistake it for cigarettes. I go for a CT scan tomorrow for further research.
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Regarding the cigarette smell - you may really be smelling the cigarettes and may have been inhaling them so it's in your system. You may live in an apartment or a home but cigarette smoke travels thru anything, anywhere!  If you're a non-smoker, you can smell it.  Or, another thing I just discovered was that smokers use deodorizers or other scented things like Glade.  These cover the smell also and make you sick and is harmful to you.  The other thing they use is the deoderizer, called the Smoker's Candles and it has a strange smell - it converts cigarette or marijuana smell into unrecognizable scents - until maybe the wind shifts and you can then smell all the cigarette/pot. The deoderizer really wipes your sense of smell and it is horrible.  You cannot smell much yet smell that constant cigarette smell.  I am having that problem now and even the Police nor the Fireman cannot smell anything, nor other neighbors unless you are very sensitve and desparate to resolve this nightmare without moving.  It irritates your eyes, gags you, affects your breathing and your life.  My other neighbor smokes a lot and I live in an apartment.  She uses the scented stuff along with the deoderizer so you can't smell it much....all you notice is you continuously smell cigarettes everywhere else.  To find out if they are using a deoderizer, try to cover your nose with your t-shirt for about 5 minutes.  Then remove and breathe the air - you will notice awful smells all around you but then the deoderizer kicks in and makes your sense of smell disappear.  It's awful and I am trying to find the next step, what I can do to resolve this issue!! Who can I call, what am I really breathing in and how to stop all this.  Does anyone know? thanks.  
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I also had a terrible problem with persistent cigarette smoke smell.  I eventually linked the smell to my change to a new extended wear contact lense--Johnson and Johnson Acuvue Oasys.  The problem would arise at the end of the wear cycle, and was exacerbated by dry conditions (i.e. planes).  It took about four cycles of using the new lense before a problem arose, and then it would only arise at the end of the wear cycle.  But it was terrible!!  Once I stopped wearing the lenses for good, the problem stopped (though it took more than 24 hours the last time).

When dealing with your nose, don't forget that your eyes are linked to your nasal passages through your tear ducts.
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I am having a similar issue with my sense of smell. No matter where I go, I can smell a faint sigarette odor. It's annoying, especially because I do not smoke. I don't know anyone who smokes. This has been happening for at least a month now. Anyone have any clue as to what's the caused and how to get rid of it? Thanks!
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Been to ENT - had camera up my nose. No polyps or anything untoward. Been given further nasal drops to reach right at the top and another appointment in 5 weeks.  Was told that it is probably due to viral infection from last cold and condition may be permanent - oh joy!

She wasn't interested in the smoke smell or turps smell so have now resigned myself to this - unless the new drops improve things. Will keep my fingers crossed.
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Happy to report that turps / brush cleaner smell and taste has dumbed down quite a lot - though coffee still smells and tastes awful.  Maybe it is the nasal spray or maybe I just peaked and now its gradually getting back to what it was. I no longer smell exhaust fumes every time a car goes by - which was a problem as I couldn't have the windows open at work. Appointment in September for ENT - will have to see how things are by then.
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