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Crushing headache / Tinnitus

I've had a very, very bad crushing headache for 2 weeks now, it feels like a car fell on my head, and just crushing my head, my ears ring real bad too !!  The more my ears ring, the worse my headache gets.  I went to the ER the other night, but the doc was no help, he just told me to visit my primary.  An ice pack on my forehead relieves the headache, for a short time, then it returns.  

Occassionally, the front of my face feels like it's being crushed, between my eyes, above my nose.  I have an allergist appointment Feb 5th, but that is a long wait, with this condition.  

Is this sinus pressure ??  Has anyone experienced the type of heaadache I'm describing with tinnitus ??  What can I take to relieve the headaches / tinnitus ?  Will Tylenol sinus help ?  
Thanks for any info  

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Thank you for info.  I don't have high blood pressure.  bp checked regularly.  But I am hyperthyroid.  But I will discuss my symptoms with my Endo or primary doc.  

My ears do ring louder after I drink a soda, and sometimes my headache gets worse, then after an hour, it subsides.  Sugar or caffeine seems to trigger both.    

My headache and tinnitus never goes away, just certain times of the day, it gets worse.  


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351246 tn?1379682132
Thanks for writing to the forum!

This could be due to migraine attack. There are several medications in the market for this. A blocked ear canal with wax, blocked eustachean tube due to secretions as in cold and sinusitis, high blood pressure and hypothyroidism can all cause headache with tinnitus.
It is difficult to comment beyond this at this stage. Do consult your family physician for this to start with.  Get your blood pressure checked. Please let me know if there is any thing else and do keep me posted. Take care!
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