650670 tn?1224001819

Dermographism & Chronic Hives in 6 year old

Since September my 6 year old daughter has had hives. They were all over her body but tapered off to 5-10 spots. They were large but got smaller. I've seen 2 doctors, one finally gave us a CBC with diff, Ana, Sed Rate, at my request which was normal. Then she got a cough in November which is still present so the doc gave us a chest x-ray. She's also had a "shotty" lymph node under her ear but the allergist said he felt a couple which he said all were normal. He said after doing some lung tests she had asthma and she's on an inhaler twice a day and she also has dermographism and she's an "easy histamine releaser".

This is my issue... I don't believe him. I've read story after story online about how chronic hives turned out to be 9 months later hodgkins or leukima. I expressed my concerns but he said he was and I quote "99%, no 100% sure this isn't lymphnoma or leukima". This is really out of character for my daughter. Can anyone else relate to this? Her DPU isn't severe but she's had that for years just didn't know a name for it. Mosquito bites, crying... she puffs up. Maybe this is all just fear of te unknown?
3 Responses
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351246 tn?1379682132

Thanks for the post!

Well a CBC with differential would have caught a leukemia and a lymphoma. For your satisfaction you can get one repeated at six monthly interval. Demographic urticaria and people with asthma and other such conditions are known to have hives. So please do not worry. Let your daughter wear masks or muslin handkerchief at her nose bridge to prevent dust from entering her system. She should also try stem inhalation and deep breathing exercises.

Hope this helps. Please let me know if there is any thing else and do keep me posted. Take care!
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6162104 tn?1379450666
I can relate to this. If you are still on this mesage board, please contact me.

I currently was diagnosed with Delayed Pressure Urticara along with dermographism and angioedema.
Mine appears to be specifically due to pressure - not allergies.
Waiting for skin biopsy results for Urticaria vs. Urticara Vasculitis.

I have never had this condition show up in me before until Aug 6, 2013 and have had over 50 wheals and flares since then.

There can be underlying autoimmune system problems. In my case, my mothers side is chalked full of that history and my fathers side (i'm learning!) is full of hives/angio edema. Lucky me. All of my bloodwork has come back normal.....all of my mothers blood work (ENA and ANA) was coming back normal for YEARS...until last year it showed up positive.
She is currently waiting diagnosis for this undifferentiated connective tissue disease that they are believing is systemic.

Please feel free to contact me!
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6162104 tn?1379450666
Also - there are many many many MANY types of Urticaria. SOlar, heat, water, exercise etc.
If she is experiencing swelling in the facial area (lips, eyes, mouth, tongue etc...) she may have angioedema.
Read carefully.
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