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Dizziness, eye pain, vision changes, allergies

Hey, I'm a 19 year old male 5/10 130lbs  and I have been having problems since September. 4 months later, same problems. It all started as really bad allergies in early august, these were the worst allergy symptoms I've ever had. Itchy and red eyes, sore throat, stuffy and runny nose. But eventually the symptoms subsided and I felt fine. But I'm sure that the allergies gave me a sinus infection.

A couple weeks after those bad allergies, the new symptoms started. It all started when I was sitting down and I got up too fast and the blood rushes out of your head. I think we've all had those happen. But it seemed like after this happened, I got dizzy and eyes were weird and didnt focus too good. That day I was trying to work on a car and i just got too dizzy and had to stop.

THe next day the symptoms were gone and I was fine. But a couple days later the dizziness and vision problem came back. And for the rest of September and at least half of October it continued like this. I also had mild headaches, heavy head feeling or weak neck, sinus pressure, occasional heartbeat in ear (only happened once or twice), all mucus has been clear and haven't really had stuffy nose, and also i have always had light sensitivity but it seemed worse. i then went to eye dr to check my eyes out and make sure they were ok. He said I had 20/20 vision, I don't wear any glasses or contacts. But when he was looking in my eye the lights made me extremely nauseas and Dizzy.

I then went to the doctor and was told my ear drum was bullging, and was given antibiotics and sent on my way. Took all the antibiotics and never seemed to make a huge difference. I called the doctor and was given a different kind of antibiotic, they seemed to help a little bit but never really kicked it. I then went back to the doctor and he checked out my eyes a little bit and said they were fine and gave me steroids, my family all has really bad sinuses. i haven't taken them yet because I don't like the side effects of them.

The symptoms continued pretty much everyday. It seemed I would get really fatigued easier than usual also. I then went to a chiropractor, he said my neck and back were really out of wack, after a month of sessions I was feeling a little better but not nearly enough. And 50$ a appointment every 4 days was too much for the pain I was still having.

It is now almost February and symptoms are continuing, I now have a cold which just adds to everything. I seem to get headaches more often now, and still have eye pain. Vision problems come and go and seem to be worse when fatigued. Still really bad sensitivity to light. I have been doing sinus rinses with salt water. I do have pressure on the bridge of my nose and kind of around my eyes but its not really sensitive to the touch. Sometimes if I squeeze the bridge of my nose I can feel something like liquid move around. Occasionally my head seemed heavy and some jaw pain. I always have a stiff neck everyday.

When I look at the symptoms for sinusitis alot of the symptoms I'm having are alike. I scheduled an appointment for a ent dr but the only opening is in a month.

I have had a history with migraines in the past that I would get once every couple of months. These migraines made my peripheral vision go away while having them. But I only got them about every 3 months and my mother used to get them all the time so I wasn't too worried. I haven't got a migraine like this since July before all these symptoms started though.

Help much appreciated thanks!
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Also forgot to mention I have been sleeping with a humidifier for the past week or so.
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Did you move? Do you feel better outside than inside? It sounds like you are being exposed to toxic mold that can be found in homes and buildings if nothing you have tried works. If you notice that your symptoms are worse in the fall/winter it can be from the heating and cooling system do some research and you will be surprised how sick it can make you feel. Just an idea but an environmental component would make sense. My family and I had to move twice because of it and depending what state your in makes a difference. Most toxic mold comes from leaky plumbing that wasn't fixed or wasn't fixed and cleaned up properly. Toxic md is different than regular mold and everyone gets sick from it. If u work outside the home you probably won't be as sick as someone who is home all the time
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We'll I'm feeling this outside my home too. It mostly comes and goes throughout the day but the biggest problem is that my eyes seem like they can't focus very well sometimes. This isn't 100% of the time though. Eye doctor said I have 20/20 vision and I don't wear glasses or contacts. It is better some days other than others. But I also get some mild eye pain occasionally. My ears also ring sometimes, and throat feels tight sometimes also. I just went to a ENT and he said the catscan he took looked normal and the hearing and balance test they took looked normal too. He referred me to a neurologist but I didn't go because I knew they would just blame it on anxiety..
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Also occasional pain in ears too but it never lasts long
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