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Do Antihistamines Take Awhile to Take Effect??

I have severe allergies and I am beyond miserable.  I have all the usual symptoms that accompany allergies and then some.  The worst ones that bother me the most are the EXTREME fatigue, irritability, and the dizziness.  I am suppose to take allergy shots but cannot tolerate them.  Every time they increase the dose, I react and we have to stop.  I have tried and tried to do them but after 4 failed attempts, I am done trying.  I have tried medications and am currently on a prescription nasal spray which helps a little bit not enough.  I have tried antihistamines but after a day or two of no relief I become discouraged and stop them.  So my question is can antihistamines take awhile to have an effect or should they provide relief within hours like they are advertised to do??
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535822 tn?1443976780
Me too read the post  below this one ...I am getting all the same symptoms..do some research about chem trails  
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i would wait awhile some times it takes for ever to work
i would got to your family doctor and ask for a perction allery meds. that might also maybe you scould take some bendrly for sleeping at nigh time. well any way good luck.
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1948690 tn?1333468068
It depends what kind of antihistamine you are taking.  Most take effect within an hour of taking.  You might need more than one antihistamine in order to control your symptoms in addition to a steroid nasal spray.  I would consult with your allergist.
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