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when ever i get exited and when ever i get nervous and when i walk and do something with force eg. if i go to a interview and iv got a job then all over my body it gets itchy and i get spots and if i sit down and put water on where its itchy and i get relaxed then the itching goes away.  if i start walking again the itching comes back.  It only happens at winter.
2 Responses
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Hello and hope you are doing well.

Itchiness of the whole body could be due to extreme dryness of the skin or due to jaundice. It could be due to iron deficiency anemia, liver and kidney disorders, thyroid disorders, polycythemia, diabetes and malignancies (cancer). It could also be due to certain medications and food. Others could be due to skin conditions like contact dermatitis and scabies. In contact dermatitis exposure to an irritant like a chemical or metal or anything you are allergic to, can cause rash and itching. Scabies infection is caused by a mite Sarcoptesscabiei, it burrows in the skin folds of hands and feet and causes intense itching mostly at night. You may need to consult a your doctor  who will examine you and may ask for blood tests and in addition examine the scrapings from the skin to arrive at a diagnosis for appropriate therapy.

Hope this helped and do keep us posted.
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1747349 tn?1332683680
Why don't you try an antihistamine cream like Benadryl or something like that?
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