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Do you think I have steph throat?

I have a pain in my throat that makes it very sore. How can you tell if you have steph throat? I dont know if this is just drainage, and if its ok to go to school without infecting others.
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Yes you can infect others if you have got cough.I will suggest you to take rest for a day or two,drink plenty of fluids and do warm saline gargles.You can also take throat lozenges.Also get a throat swab done and ASO titres done to rule out strep sore throat.There is no difference in clinical symptoms in streptococcal sore throat and sore throat due to other causes.

Hope it helps.Take care and pls do keep me posted.
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I stayed home today, due to the fact that all night my throat felt like I needed to vomit.

Thank you for your help, I will get a throat swab done asap.
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