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Ear aches

my sinuses constantly ache and I occasionally get these terrible ear aches that are really debilitating (extremely painful). i can feel the pressure draining and radiating in front of my ear down into my eustachian tube. the whole area around the ear is extremely tender to the touch and pressurized. i really believe it's allergy related, especially with living with a cat. what is the best promotion of faciliting the draining of fluid through my ear to avoid this/treat this? is there a natural way to promote histamine levels? what do i do when it aches so bad?
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You should consult an ENT specailist or allergy specialist for your symptoms. It would require a proper clinical examination and evaluation to come to a confirmed diagnosis.

Till you get an appointment you could take OTC antihistamine medications, saline nasla drops and steam inhalation. This should help with your symptoms. When the pain is severe, take some OTC pain relief medications.

Your doctor would prescribe a course of antibiotics and some steroid nasal sprays.

Do let us know if you have any doubts.

Hope this helps.

Good luck.
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